Melorix, born in the summer of '84, is a DJ/Producer based in Mortsel
(Belgium). He makes his music at home with a minimum of material.
During the years he became a dark and dangerous psytrance producer.
Influenced from gabber, hardcore, terror, speedcore, breakcore, techno,
... (let's say everything that ends on 'core). Besides that he gets
influenced by other artists like Amon Tobin, Patrick Wolf, Dj Shadow,
Aphex Twin, ...
Gill started to create in 2000 some tunes. The first years were
offcourse the toughest, but thru these years he learned a lot (thx to
the internet, Ephedrix, Bandarlog, ...). Now he has got the taste of
it. You'll better beware of him, he'll find you and track you down.
Skunks Of Satan called him a first-born child filled with madness ...
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