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About Me

Mildred Bernard Martinez, Founder and Director of One of The First Kindergarten Schools For Blacks in New Orleans. Mrs. Martinez taught at Danneel And Valena C. Jones Public Schools before Founding The Martinez Kindergarten School in 1934. Under her Directorship, The School Developed a Reputation for Excellence in Teaching Preschool Children, Educating Notable New Orleanians Such as Mayor Sidney Barthelemy And Jazz Musician Wynton Marsalis. Mrs. Martinez graduated from Mcdonogh No. 35 High School and Normal School for Teachers in New Orleans and attended classes at Hunter College And Columbia University, both in New York City. She was President Of Les Dames De Sept Douleurs (The Women Of The Seven Sorrows), A 7th Ward Women's Society. She received several awards for her involvement with The Martinez School, including being Honored in July 1979 for 50 Years Of Dedicated Service To Education in The City; Being named One Of 100 'Women At The Forefront' Of Civic Endeavor in 1986; and being Honored by The Mayor and City Council in 1990 for Operating One Of The Oldest Minority businesses in New Orleans.Maurice Manuel 'Pops' Martinez Sr. (Candy Man). A Retired Orleans Parish Teacher. A Lifelong Resident of New Orleans, Mr. Martinez taught at Booker T. Washington, Joseph A. Craig and Albert Wicker Schools. He was Co-Owner of The Martinez Kindergarten School and a Member Of The Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club, Bricklayers Union Afl-Cio Local No. 1 and The Knights Of Peter Claver Court No. 47. The Martinez Kindegarten School is located at 1767 N ROMAN ST New Orleans, LA 70116; Phone:(504) 945-4974

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