Casey profile picture


Green Bay native moves to the Beach.

About Me

I'm originally from Wisconisn, so yes I'm a diehard Packers fan. I've grown up all over the US, met a lot of great people, and thanks to the internet, I can actually keep in touch with them and find some of them again. I'm married, going on 7 years, and have a beautiful daughter who brings an extreme amount of joy and pride to both myself and my wife.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

who wouldn't I like to meet?


I love Rock, Heavy Metal, and yes I'll admit it the 80's hair bands. Some of my favorite bands are Motley Crue, Stone Temple Pilots, Rage Against the Machine, and White Zombie, led zepplin, jimmi hendrix, ccr, the doors, steve miller, aerosmith, ACDC, guns and roses, soundgarden, rage against the machine, type o negative, lenny kravitz, My wife has recently started getting me to listen to country music, and I gotta say I'm starting to dig it.


Dazed and Confused, The Crow, Star Wars, The Godfather, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Top Gun, Heartbreak Ridge, JFK, Old School.... Way too many to list. If its an action movie or a comedy.. I'll probably love it.


24, The OC (I can't help it.. Its good), Rescue Me, The Amazing Race, Ghost Hunters, American Idol, Entorage, The Soprano's, Grey's Anantomy


I prefer the ones with lots of pictures. ;) The last book I read was The Dirt, and I'm currently working on Cross Fire about the JFK assassination.