"cutiewifey" profile picture


lovin you more and more everyday....=D

About Me

well,well....I'm Louigie,but they call me J-ingz or Gie,but well,you can call me anything you like.I just turned 19 and currently on my second year in College.I'm taking up BSED major in English at the University of the Visayas.I'm just a simple girl with simple views in life,if i may say so.I'm kinda nerdy but have also time for leisures...i go out but not that much,just with some close friends and my cousins and young aunts...i love all my friends and all the people who love me are important to me...they're my everything and gives me inspiration to try my best to make things turn out to be good....im a nature lover and obssesed with music....lol...other things you wanna know bout me...feel free to send a message and you'd get a reply for sure. and i just love this husband of mine so much....

My Interests

my husband Darrin!I'm missing him everyday and cant wait to be with him soon....I'm a music lover.I cant live without it.My day wouldnt be complete without listening to any type of music.I love to sing but i guess only few knew i love doing it.I hate to sing in a crowd.Im also fond of reading books.Whenever I have a free time in the university,you can see me at the General Section in our University Library.I love my family so much.I grew up with all my relatives around me,my real friends eversince i was a kid were my cousins and my aunts and uncles.Wherever they go,or wherever i go,expect that you would see everybody else.I just love them so much and losing anyone of them is a great fear to me.I love my studies,im trying to do good with it,and im just glad im,indeed,doing good with it.I'm a nature lover,i love painting though i must say im not too good with it.I write songs sometimes and poems,it just depends on my mood.I easily fall for someone who can win my trust,but if that trust will fade away,that wont be gained back.

I'd like to meet:

i love making friends and meet new people....but most of the time,id go for people who are worthy of my love and trust and people who wont play games here....


i listen to any genres but ive just found myself being fond and starting to love rnb!


Legend Of The Fall,Serendipity,Mean Girls,Cinderella Story,Baby Genius,Drum Line,You Got Served,etc....


more on philippine tv shows like Philippine Dream Academy,Pinoy Big Brother(1st,celebrity and teen edition),Homeboy,Let's Go,ASAP 2006,About ur Luv,Your Song


Nothing Last Forever,Angels and Demons,Da Vinci Code,Cora Clemente's Books,No Greater Love,Nothing Last Forever,and many others,mostly authored by Sidney Sheldon


"my parents" and kuya sonny!thanks for everything kuya!and ofcourse, the guy on the very topmost of my list....my husband Darrin!

My Blog

damn...im so lucky to have my husband....love yah more baby<3

"Lucky" You are the best thing To ever happen to me I just can't seem to see How I've gotten so lucky You are the best part of me You clearly make me see All I need just to be And you make me believe ...
Posted by "cutiewifey" on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 01:00:00 PST

i love this one not just with how its written but 'coz my husband made this....<3 u babe

"Dream" I just can't fall to sleep When I lay and close my eyes All I see is you I wish I could slip away To get away from this reality So I can dream of you I wish I was there with you Or you were he...
Posted by "cutiewifey" on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 07:45:00 PST