Ron profile picture


There's no Wrong Way to Eat a Drio.

About Me

what do i like... that's easy... anything fast. fast cars... too bad i don't have one. fast motorcycles... i gots that. fast planes... too bad i got furloughed a couple of years ago and my eyes went bad when i was a junior in high school. fast women... hmmm... not really. movies are nice. eating good food... any ideas on how i can put on a few pounds without having to spend over $20 on a gym membership? i also love doing things outdoors... mountain biking or road bike anyone? how about taking up wind surfing or spending a whole day fishing and not catching a dang thing? the San Francisco Bay Area has so much stuff to try out. too bad i'm broke and i have to work in a slave factory 40 hours a week. haven't gone go-cart racing in a while either. quiet times at home, listening to some old r&b is nice too. reading... not really. i prefer looking at pictures. that's funny how english was my easiest subject in school? singing... i wish i could. how about taking a road trip with no specific destination in mind? ahhh that sounds nice! about music... anything is good. music touches you in ways nothing else can. stirs up memories of the past and thoughts for the future. can bring a tear to your eye, laughter from your mouth, and a pain in your heart. music is great... give me that r&b, classic rock, alternative, jazz, religious... just nothing too crazy,and i would like to be able to understand the words.

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my hero... wow this is easy... definitely my MOM. she is so generous when it comes to giving love and understanding. she has been through soooo much and she still has the strength to keep on fighting.