Stach♥ profile picture


You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet

About Me

&& i will become even more undignified than this, and i will be humiliated in my own eyes. (2 Samuel 6:22)
i'm 18 yurrss yunng;
God pretty much has that top spot! :)
i have amazing friends.
my bfffenmw is top notch.
& an incredible family
theres this group u may kno as BHG
we run this. :)
i'm a sophomore @ UNT majoring in
rehabilitations & addictions & minoring in counseling :)
i'm extremely blessed & ALL credit goes to God
i love to work out <:
t-shirts & jeans are the issshhhhh.
that'll never change lol.
i LOVE anthony evans & shane&shane :)
i catch the 5-7 o'clock line up on lifetime most everyday
my background totally describes my life! :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

oh yeah & i'd marry him right now if he proposed :)


thats cupcake.
my 2.5yr. old ♥


GOD♥ my daddy & my brother. my momma & my sister.

My Blog

Sharon Haight

I cant believe its been two years. =[Time flys by so fassstt... sometimes way too fast.seriously i cant get over how much u and ur family means to me.. Your never forgotten and everytime i listen to 9...
Posted by Stach♥ on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 07:15:00 PST