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carla with a k

I am here for Friends

About Me

i'm not the most social butterfly. i can be introverted or extroverted depending on who i'm hanging out. i'm ever amazed at how i can be chatty cathy with some people, but with others i can't think of a damn thing to say......i'm a mennonite, which means i'm a pacifist. i'm not republican, but i guess i wouldn't call myself a democrat either, though my voting card would say differently. i don't like george w. bush and his condescending smirk. i'm a near-vegan and i love food. i love The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. i'm a sucker for chick flicks, food network shows and pop music. i really can't get enough of Dr.Pepper. some other things that make me happy: thunderstorms, old cathedrals, my friend jen "niff" nicholl's art, music, ireland, scotland, italy, germany, good books like those of the hilarious david sedaris, movies, going to any bigass bookseller and reading magazines that i probably shouldn't and some that aren't so trashy, other art that doesn't suck, Geez magazine, Annie Leibovitz's photography, polaroids(i'm a sucker for the instant gratification), babies & cute little kids(that aren't screaming), Adolphe William Bougereau's art, trying to decide what tattoo to get and where, catholic iconography, yummy vegan food- i love Blossoming Lotus soft serve!

My Interests

vegetarianism/veganism(the food itself and the ethics of it all. know where your food is coming from, don't be ignorant), food, travelling, music, faith, movies, politics, nutrition, love, tattoos


depending on my mood: adam arcuragi, page france, regina spektor, clap your hands say yeah, page france, tegan & sara, M.Ward, mewithoutYou, Sufjan Stevens, Wilco, Bishop Allen, Bright Eyes, mazzy star, Modest Mouse, Lovedrug, Green Day, Half Handed Cloud, the Blow, Tree By Leaf, Garrett Soucy, the Postal Service, Radiohead, Pedro the Lion/david bazan, Danielson Family, Over the Rhine, Death Cab for Cutie, Johnny Cash, Anathallo, Denison Witmer, Dashboard Confessional, the Cure, Burden of a Day, Coldplay, the Strokes, i can make a mess like nobody's business, tracy chapman, Beck, Weezer, blink 182, Headphones, the Killers, the Eels, judd and maggie, the Beatles, Keane, Elliott Smith, Burden of a Day, Hayden, Damien Rice, Damien Jurado, 90lb Wuss(yellow cd), Arcade Fire, Rosie Thomas, popular 80s, ludacris, jay-z, 50 Cent, chingy, fabolous, missy elliot and other radio rap....


Amelie, Office Space, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Garden State, Buffalo '66, Anchorman, Seven, Fight Club, Mansfield Park, Pride & Prejudice, Reality Bites, Empire Records, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, the Wedding Singer, Say Anything..., Run Lola Run, Im Juli, Nightmare Before Christmas, Wayne's World(i first saw this at the cheap theater with family, i remember coming out of the movie and my uncle saying someone should've paid him to see that movie....obviously, he's crazy), The Princess Bride, Saved!, Devil's Playground, Super Size Me, A Bug's Life, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Best in Show, The Corporation(long and depressing, but good)....i have a thing for documentaries...and mockumentaries...


Daily Show with Jon Stewart, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Arrested Development, The Colbert Report, Home Movies, Freaks & Geeks, That 70s Show, Dr. Katz, South Park, Seinfeld, Iron Chef, Good Eats, the Office(both), Kids in the Hall, America's..Next...Top..Model....i also love public broadcasting....i miss my 2 german tv shows: Berlin, Berlin and Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten(so cheesy, but oh so fun for a foreigner that doesn't speak the language fluently)


some authors, some books and the authors, some books: Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, Mere Christianity and other works of c.s. lewis, philip yancey, God's Politics by Jim Wallis, Me Talk Pretty One Day and all other david sedaris books, America: the Book, veg cookbooks, books on nutrition, jane austen, anne lamott, Fast Food Nation, Hamburgers and Ice Cream for Dessert by Eleanor Clymer, old textbooks, Under the Banner of Heaven by jon krakauer, Affluenza


Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesus, anyone who's achieved great things without violence...

My Blog

The update

So i'm on the third season of the Sopranos. can i tell you how freakin' glad i am that Richie and the mom are dead?!? Thank God they were killed/died off because every time Richie came on the scene he...
Posted by carla with a k on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 06:52:00 PST

quiz this

my friend Niff had one of these on her page. i couldn't help myself...Create your own Friend Quiz here...
Posted by carla with a k on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 06:39:00 PST


if y'all haven't seen this, you should. no matter if you like Michael Moore or not. this is unbiased as it can get. sure, the first thing you see is Bush saying something moronic, but is that michael ...
Posted by carla with a k on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:17:00 PST

conservatives want teenagers to fondle each other??

this was taken from Cameron luvs teen sex.Anyone familiar with the evangelical right's rhetoric about homosexuality has undoubtedly run across the work of Paul Camero...
Posted by carla with a k on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 05:27:00 PST


if you're not in Portland you may not know about the Rose Festival and the big Floral Parade that comes along with it. Right now there's a conflict going on and it's all over the news. bigger news tha...
Posted by carla with a k on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 12:19:00 PST

Babysitters Club: how much do you miss those books?

so i came across a blog where a girl rereads the Babysitters Club books and talks funny stuff about them. here's a bit:Okay, so, Sharon is always "scatterbrained," but it DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! Scatt...
Posted by carla with a k on Mon, 28 May 2007 01:52:00 PST

for your information

an article by kathy freston, whoever she is...."President Herbert Hoover promised "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage." With warnings about global warming reaching feverish levels, many ...
Posted by carla with a k on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:59:00 PST

food stuff

i am reading The Food Revolution right now by John Robbins(his dad is the Robbins of Baskin-Robbins ice cream). it's an interesting read(to me, of course, since i'm really into this kind of stuff) and...
Posted by carla with a k on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 12:20:00 PST