ALEXiA profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey what's up???? My name is Alexia. Alot of people call me Lexi though. I am 16 years old from Northern California. I am a pretty cool chick. I am not stuck up or bitchy. I get along with most people. I like to laugh and have fun as much as possible. I am not an out of control party girl but I do like to have fun. I am pretty outgoing and optimistic about everything..I do have my moments where I am not tho haha. I have no brothers or sisters... I have many many interests. I like to sleep..alot haha. I like to go to the movies, concerts,rivers,beaches and anything fun like that. I like boys ALOT, kissing, cuddling and hanging out with them :).I am an internet freak so 70% of my life is spent on my computer..I love love love animals. I will kill a bitch for hurting an animal. I love clothes but hate wearing them when I am at home. I like peircings and tats and I plan to get summa those VERY soon. I already got both ears, belly and tongue done but I want more. I want some tats too I just dont know what or where I want em.

My Interests

Inerests Music, Movies, Snowboarding, Animals, Shopping, Boys, Beaches, Dancing, Cooking, Writing, Tv, Make Up, My Cell, New People, Having Fun

I'd like to meet:

I am just on here to keep in touch with friends and meet new ones..especially cute boys. hMM if you wanna know what kinda guys I like..I like guys that are easy going. I like when I am hanging with a guy and you can totally tell he is being himself. I like guys with a good sense of humor but not a jackass that thinks he has to be funny alllll the time. He has to be at least a lil taller than I am. I like guys that can kiss good :). I am a makeout whore so I love to kiss. Honest, good looking, smart and easy to talk to. Obviously I haven't found that guy yet.. If you apply to these qualifications..HOLLA


MoviesStates Evidence,Resident Evil, 300, Mean Girls,The Hot Chick, Lion King, Knocked Up,Lorn Of The Rings, Romy & Michelles High School Reunion, Halloween,Childs Play, Shrek, Set It Off,Bully,Kids,But Im A Cheerleader,SuperBad,Moulin Rouge.


Fun Quizzes
Are You a Fake Girl?

You are Keeping it Real
Fake doesn't even come close to describing you. You're totally natural, and proud of who you really are!

What Type of Kisser Are You?

I am an Excellent Kisser
I have perfected the art of Kissing, But you have to work for it

What type of Underwear are you?

The Thong
You can be a tease, but you have a great sense of style and you love no pantie lines!