I'm sure I'll come up with something in time.
"At his lips' touch, she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete." - the Great Gatsby
Je vis, je meurs: je me brûle et me noie;
J'ai chaud extrême en endurant froidure;
La vie m'est et trop molle et trop dure;
J'ai grands ennuis entremêlés de joie.
Tout à un coup je ris et je larmoie,
Et en plaisir maint grief tourment j'endure;
Mon bien s'en va, et à jamais il dure;
Tout en un coup je seche et je verdoie.
Ainsi Amour inconstamment me mène;
Et quand je pense avoir plus de douleur,
Sans y penser je me trouve hors de peine.
Puis quand je crois me joie être certaine
Et être au haut de mon désiré heur,
Il me remet en mon premier malheur.
- Louise Labé (,,uvres, 1555)
In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Stop wearing pants again.
Get your resolution here
"Sorry I hit your van. Hope your day gets better."
"Tell me you love me, but don't say it with words."
"We listened to PJ Harvey and I kissed his neck."
"We were living in a fairy tale, where nothing existed but art, order, and beauty."
"How exactly does one suck a fuck?"
"Do you understand? Do you see the forest through the trees? Do you not see what I am no longer not saying to you? If so - congratulations! Prepare to have sex constantly."
"I'd rather seek nothingness than seek nothing." - Nietzsche
"Holding hands was something we had to do. It was beyond our control."
"Anyone could have me, but no one could have all of me, and no one would ever truly understand me."
"A writer leaving the house without a pen is like a girl leaving the house without clothes."
"Heroes often fail."
"And you mustn't stroke anyone's head - you might get your hand bitten off." - Lenin
"When your legs are black and blue, it's time to take a break."
"Hallelujah. I'm not a shriveled up spinster in the making."
"Those who aren't busy being born are busy dying."
"I'm pretty troubled and I'm, I'm pretty confused, and I'm afraid. Really, really afraid. Really afraid. But I... I... I think you're the fucking Antichrist."
"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers."
"I wonder if, like riding a bike, kissing is something you can't forget."
"For once in my life, let me get what I want. Lord knows it would be the first time." - Morrissey
"The condom is the glass slipper of our generation."
“He’s driving and he doesn’t know where he’s going but he’s going to get there and he’s wearing his seat belt and he’s got condoms in his pocket. He is sixteen and dangerous.â€
"I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I'm going to take a stand. I'm going to defend it. Right or wrong, I'm going to defend it." - Cameron
"Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, thou."
"Fuck the flick, start the fucking!"
"Do not tell me what art is and isn't."
"When everyone is against you, you are either absolutely right or absolutely wrong."
"Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil."
"If this doesn't qualify me for an ass-kicking, nothing does."
"They sound like pineapples in a blender on Christmas morning."
"I feel like a quote out of context."
“Sometimes everything seems entirely ridiculous and leaves me shaking my head, shrugging my shoulders, as if to imply: You want answers? I’m seventeen, you fuck.â€
“Brilliant men, beautiful jazz babies, champagne baths, midnight revels, petting parties in the purple dawn, all ending in one terrific smashing climax that makes you gasp.â€
"If you name yourself C-Murder and then you actually murder someone, consider yourself Advanced. "
“But wait! MY HEART IS NOT A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION! Oh, you silly girl. Who cares about hearts? Do you have a number-two pencil?â€
"17. You are sitting in an empty bar, in a town you've never before visited, drinking Bacardi with a soft-spoken acquaintance you barely know. After an hour, a third individual walks into the tavern and sits by himself, and you ask your acquaintance who the new man is. 'Be careful of that guy,' you are told. 'He is a man with a past.' A few minutes later, a fourth person enters the bar; he also sits alone. You ask your acquaintance who this new individual is. 'Be careful of that guy, too,' he says. 'He is a man with no past.' Which of these two people do you trust less?"
“We call each other beautiful and amazing and we say ‘I love you’ with utter conviction.â€
"He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God."
And how do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle?
Have you reckon'd a thousand acres much? have you reckon'd the earth much?
Have you practis'd so long to learn to read?
Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?
- Whitman
I am inscrutable, and the pain you seek is me.
"i didn't go to the moon, i went much farther, for time is the longest distance between two places. not long after i was fired for writing a poem on the lid of a shoe box... i left saint louis. i descended the steps of this fire escape for a last time, and followed, from then on, in my father's footsteps, attempting to find in motion what was already lost in space. i traveled around a great deal... the cities swept around me like dead leaves... leaves that were brightly colored but torn away from the branches. I was pursued by something... it came upon me unawares, taking me altogether by surprise. perhaps it was a familiar bit of music. perhaps it was only a transparent piece of glass. perhaps i am walking along a street at night in some strange city, before i have found companions. i pass the lighted window of a shop where perfume is sold. the window is filled with pieces of colored glass, tiny transparent bottles in delicate colors, like bits of a shattered rainbow. then all at once my sister touches my shoulder. i turn around and look into her eyes... oh laura, laura i tried to leave you behind me, but i am more faithful than i intended to be! i reach for a cigarette, i cross the street, i run into the movies or a bar, i buy a drink, i speak to the nearest stranger... anything to blow your candles out. for nowadays, the world is lit by lightning. blow out your candles laura. and so goodbye... " - tom, scene seven
"Listen, you might want to pack a few of your things together before going to bed. The former bishop of Turkey will be coming along tonight along with six to eight black men. They might put some candy in your shoes, they might stuff you into a sack and take you to Spain, or they might just pretend to kick you. We don't know for sure, but we want you to be prepared." - David Sedaris
"17. You are sitting in an empty bar, in a town you've never before visited, drinking Bacardi with a soft-spoken acquaintance you barely know. After an hour, a third individual walks into the tavern and sits by himself, and you ask your acquaintance who the new man is. 'Be careful of that guy,' you are told. 'He is a man with a past.' A few minutes later, a fourth person enters the bar; he also sits alone. You ask your acquaintance who this new individual is. 'Be careful of that guy, too,' he says. 'He is a man with no past.' Which of these two people do you trust less?" - Chuck Klosterman
"Her voice is full of money." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
If I haven't already given it away, I've got a plan to lose it all.
Made by Andrea Micheloni
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