Print making, Cooking, Sports, Music/Concert, Graphic design work, Free flowing and drinking with my buddies!
People who are energetic, compassionate and full of zest! ..
GOOD TUNES....AC/DC^THRICE^311^RAGEagainstTHEmachine^AUDIOSLAVE^N IRVANA^INCUBUS^PANTERA^PINKfloyd^PRIMUS^DEFTONES^SUBLIME^SYS TEMofAdown^TOOL^THEdoors^NERD^eMINEM^STATICx^MUDVAYNE^jimiHE NDRIX^WESmontgomery^bbKING^NiN^methodMAN^REDman^GORILLAZ^PEA RLE JAM^JAY-Z^Clapton^ besides the fact that i generally name bands that everyone typically know and have influenced everyone...i primarily listen 2 wtf is on ... music doesn't have an answer tho maybe it questions u?!
Rather say the director makes it TOP FOUR Burton,Tarantino, Kubrick, Speilberg.....mostly a flick that leaves u w/ pondering RESERVOIRDOGS, THE ONE, EDWARDSWISSORHANDS,
hunter s. thompson kurt voneight jr. not really that big in2 the author as much as the subject...tho thats begining 2 changeusually wutever happens 2 be my interest usually bein METAphysical patterns books, artwork from alex gray, all kinds O' shit..tho i do read when i get the time