Chicks and music, music and chicks, photography, silkscreening, horticulture, architectural and masonry design, thermonuclear dynamics, photosynthesis, evolution, survival in a chemically overdependent society, making and sharing music, exostencial reality
~~~~Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddah, Mohandis Ghandi, and the Dhali Llama............................. *****************"When you believe in things, that you don't understand, then you suffer...."
Yes, I love music!!Im posting this video for Clay, im sure you'll enjoy it!! Jean-Luc Ponty Live performing Mirage at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto on June 24, 2007.In memory of Jaco Pastorius who passed away 20 years ago in September 1987
are a representation of how far people will go to make a buck.......Isn't it sad?
has become a mirror of our own worst fears, in high definition. My how wonderful!
Almighty God, The Virgin Mary, Lily my soulmate/girl friend/manager/keeper, Mom&Dad, Carol, Ray, and Bill..worlds most awesome family!!