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.. Tyler RennerEveryday I learn and progress and have grown more into the shoes I walk in today, I am shaped and formed from my creations along with the miraculous creations of others. In other words, I am who I am thanks to those who have impacted my life good and bad, I am my own teacher, I learn from my own mistakes as well as watching you make yours.
I value many things in life. What I value most is hard work/dedication/devotion/and a willingness to never EVER stop!
I cherish many things in life. I am happy with the fact that I am stubborn and hard headed. When it comes to voicing my own opinion, I am going to say what I am going to say. It's like a wall that you can't break down because I hold so strongly in my beliefs. I face everyday life of my own as it is handed to me but with a optimistic attitude. For every failure and success teaches you a lesson. No matter how bad nor how good, you take the cards that have been dealt to you, and you play them. I have taught myself to accept the flaws within life instead of dreading them, flaunt them as if they were one of a kind. Teach myself and others from them...
Many people in this world don't give me the time of day they should. They find some way of judging me in one way or another. They base predictions on the things I have or the way that I act. I don't care if you like me or hate me. I am who I am. I am a outgoing, I care, I enjoy the simple things in life, I value trust, I value a good friend, When I do something I want to put my all into it. I don't like to dick around or make fun of anyone. I have learned people are going to judge you, annoy you, and do what it takes to get a second reaction from you.
I accept every flaw in others. I put more care in others then I do in my own self. I live everyday to make the ones I love smile, and keep smiling. I have huge dreams and I will succeed them.
I am my own person, independent.
Not striving for attention but instead for you to listen to the strong voice that I was given. Also, for help in achieving my dreams!
Now, diving into what I do in life
For some reason.. All I want to do is get into the corporate life.
When I was 12 I started my first company. Aquabox Pc ( which was a computer company, fully set up and running. I also had a pro video game team named Team [A]qua ( It lasted about a year and thought me a lot.
I took those skills and started another company with a new buddy of my Nick DePalmer. This time, Nick and I started a Professional Video Game team called Flow Gaming. At the height of this team our website was ranked in the top 340,000 websites in the world. We had close to a million people visiting our site on a monthly basis. We had 13x top name sponsors and some of the best teams out there. Those teams included the #1 World of WarCraft, #1 Counter Strike 1.6, Top 3 Counter Strike Source, Top 10 Call of Duty 2 team, and Nick went to CGS to make close to $100,000.00 for a year of video games... All in all... we had THE BEST TEAMS, We went to EVERY major Lan! I got in MTV and we won a few nice big fat checks ;)
After that I jumped on and started Turmoil Gaming ( But it was time for me to retire from video games and get other stuff going in my life.
During the time of Team Turmoil I started a company which was, for a very short time, named "Front Desk Consulting" and now operates under the name "Renner Technology" ( Renner Technology is a medical grade computer company. I build, install, set up, and consult doctors on technology for their office. This has gone extremely well and I could not be happier. It pays all the bills and lets me buy my toys, why wouldn't I like it ;D
But no... I am not done yet!
A few funny things happened and I ran into a police officer who shared the same passion as myself. Him and I got to talking and we put our heads together. Very shortly our joint venture will be made public and you will see a few of our products on store shelves just in time for Christmas. (If I told you now. I would have to kill you)