The Hayzel Project is going through some major member changes. Stay tuned :).
It all began in a small two-bedroom apartment in El Cerrito, California.
It only took a couple strings, some picks, a borrowed guitar, my roomate's
recording program and a BIG nudge from my own restlessness to get me
(Christopher Hayzel) started. Over the past 6 years I had been going through
what I'd like to call a musical adolescence; hopping from genre to genre, band
to band, looking for my identity, my fingerprint... a soul search, if you will,
incarnate in notes and rhythms. Covering a wide spectrum from Metal to Melodic
Ambient Rock, I gave myself fully to each project, however every musical "Outfit"
I tried on refused to fit, so after much deliberation I asked to use my roomate's
Big Baby Taylor and slowly began to pluck out the notes and rhythms from within
Now, fast forward two years to the present. I've moved from The Bay Area to
Las Vegas to Los Angeles, written and recorded an entire album directly from
my heart (which is laid out in front of you here, as raw as it gets) and very
tediously put a band together (a band that turned out to be much bigger than i
expected!). We have the traditional two guitarists, bass, drums and vocals, but
added into the mix we now have a DJ and a percussionist/keyboardist (AHA! Very
fancy shmancy). Each of the seven members brings his own influence and
passions to our creative melding pot and tosses them in and as a result we are
beginning to revise and redefine the lines that I set when it all began and pushing
our boundaries to the limit and beyond.
Thank you to everyone that has supported me and this project through the last
two years, and thank you to all the listeners and fans (if any haha) who enjoy the
music daily... or weekly... or monthly... or bi-yearly :). As artists it is our greatest
pleasure to know that we can induce fits of happiness or joy on all of you at any
given time! As for us, we are nearing the end of our journey with the revision of
this first album and plan to have new recording's for all to listen to soon.
In the meantime, enjoy the new videos and pictures (posted quite often)!
Also, we will be breaking out of our seemingly endless shell and coming to a venue
near you, so hope to see you all soon!
-Christopher A. Hayzel
"CAROLINE" Music Video
We are collecting album art, all different styles! If you would like to submit ideas,
send them in here or to this email
[email protected]
Among my passion for all forms of art, one of my greatest indulgences has always been poetry. I enjoy reading all the masters such as E. E. Cummings, Robert Frost, Shakespeare, and (my favorite) Edgar Allan Poe. I try my hand at a few verses from time to time, I mean... I'm no Poe, but I thought I would put a few of my pieces up here for all of you anyway. I hope you enjoy.
Peace & Blessings
-Christopher A. Hayzel
One Last Walk
(November 2008)
Tonight I walked along the muddy shores
It had looked so beautiful in a different light
But it was another time then
As the dampened grains of sand slipped their way between my toes
I remembered watching you as you spoke to me
Your angelic brilliance backlit by the moth-bitten black veil we call sky
And that dusty old bridge
Made of dusty old planks of wood
Lined and set in place by dusty old nails
And rusty old screws
Over the mirky water in which we used to watch our reflection
The air was full of laughter
But now nothing exists except for the distant sound of crashing titans
Rippling their way in their own perfection up the steepened banks
How symbolic it seemed to me
That our pond had broken through the barrier
And washed away into the ocean
Leaving only remnants of its hidden beauty
I sang to you once
And you smiled back at me
But it was another time then
The Mermaid
(June 2008 1:00 a.m.)
The silent solitudes of a simple night
Your face was beautiful, your eyes inspire
The endless beam of a lighthouse in the dark
And chaotic waters of our time
Believe me when I say
My life is forever altered
I sat on the deck of my boat
The aged, weather-swollen wood creaking and moaning
As if some great invisible giant tread upon its face
I looked around
And it was only I
I sat on the deck of my boat
Waiting for a safe haven
Waiting for contact with the outside world
Waiting for signs of refuge
And low and behold I had found it
Buried deep beneath your skin
Begging to burst from your veins
In the flickering light of the ever-dimming fire
I could see your face
The flames cast earthly shadows upon it
And I could think of nothing more beautiful
You said your mother had called you a mermaid
And from the deepest marrow of my bones
Resonated an energy of acknowledgement and agreement
I sat on the deck of my boat
The spray of the sea soft upon my face
The icy black waves licking the bottoms of my feet
Eager to consume my entirety
The crew had left with the life boats
And it was only I
The captain of this ship
And as the depths consumed me
I felt your hands
You pulled me to a desolate beach and told me your name
You said your mother had called you a mermaid
But as quickly as you had appeared you were gone
And so I sat on the sands of the beach
No more wood
No more creaking
No more giants
Only the memory of you
Heavenly Flames
(sometime in 2005)
Oh flickering fire fueled to our delight
Untamed flames lick our toes
No escape, no return
You and I slipping slowly into madness
Souls and hearts synchronize
Every beat becomes a beat for you
Can you hear them chanting?
The savages around us
Starved with anticipation as we plunge
And how wonderful a contradiction
When this fire becomes our heaven
As we are entangled in a dance
A love laced in passion
Insanity, Intensity, Unity
Whittle away the craziness
The fancy cars and expensive clothing
What is left?
You and I standing together
Our hearts becoming one
Lost... Found
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