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About Me

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Samana nasce nell’estate del 2001, con la voglia di valorizzare la musica italiana, grazie ai grandi classici rivisitati con l’estro e la fantasia di Marco, Mauro e Massimo.
La semplicità e la passione profuse durante i numerosi concerti tenuti, sono la chiave del successo di questo trio acustico.
Samana è il gruppo ideale per serate che, complice il pubblico, possono diventare esplosive.


Samana born in the summer of 2001, with desire to increase the value of italian music, thanks to big classic tracks played under Marco, Mauro and Massimo's inspiration and fantasy.
Simplicity and passion, showed by the band in a lot of concerts played, are the winning point of this acoustic trio.
Samana is the right band for explosive nights involving the audience.

My Interests


Member Since: 06/09/2007
Band Members: Marco Cases :Guitar, Vocals,
Drum programming
Mauro Zambetti : Guitar & Vocals
Massimo Martinaglia : Bass & Vocals
Record Label: Unsigned