Constantly experimenting with state of the art audio design and staying current with the new technology in the audio market. I also enjoy tattooing with my brother Ben and my cousin Corey. Spending time with my wife and kids is always a joy as well.
The audio installer who works for Unique Auto Sports, also featured on the Unique Whips T.V. series.
GOLGOTHA ! I love to listen to that bad ass central Tx. band named Golgotha!!! It is a band that I am a part of. We write and play metal / thrash/ death metal . Outside of that I listen to a lil bit of everything , but mainly metal. To many bands to list ! lol
The Crow, Hell Raiser, Clown House, Kreep Show, J. Carpenter's Vampires, Dusk Till Dawn, AVP, and a bounch of other sick twisted crap lol
Fuse ( metal asylum, slave to the metal) MTV ( head bangers ball)
All Edger Allen Poe books and short stories, All Stephen King, and others
Dime Bag Darrel REST IN PEACE BROTHER, My Aunt Julie who has allways made me feel like I am someone, My Aunt Barbra for all the wisdom and kindness she has given me, Donald Beekman for helping me to become a good person, Rosa Parks for demonstration curage in pursut of equality. The police officers and fire fighters who lost their lifes to protect , all soldiers who have inlisted past and present to protect our way of life, my children Trevor , Tyler, and Trisha who make getting up in the morning worth it every day, my wife for her undying love and devotion , and last but not least Jesus for his painfull sacrifise for me to live eternaly in the house of God