About Me
I'm basically your average angst-ridden, introspective teenager growing up right outside of Pittsburgh, PA. For half the school year I was in love with Jordan Catalano and he, like, didn't even know I existed. Or so I thought. My best friend used to be Sharon, but I have been spending a lot of time with Rayanne and Rickie this year. Because it seemed like if I didn't, I would die or something. Oh, and I dyed my dark blonde hair crimson red at the start of the school year and have kept it that way since. My mother, who I can't look at lately without wanting to stab, repeatedly, was horrified at first. I think that she has come to love it. My dad is okay, I guess, except that he thinks every person in the world is having more fun than him, which could be true. That and, well, now that I am growing up, my breasts have come between us. Oh, yeah, I also have an annoying kid sister (Danielle) and an even more annoying neighbor, Brian Krackow. I was also on the yearbook committee, but now I am not. I mean, this whole thing with yearbook -- it's like, everybody's in this big hurry to make this book, to supposedly remember what happened. Because if you made a book of what really happened, it'd be a really upsetting book. So that kinda sums it up. The MY SO-CALLED LIFE: THE COMPLETE SERIES deluxe 6-DVD box set will be in stores on October 30, 2007! There's, like, tons more about me and my friends in the 19 episodes. You really should buy it, in my humble opinion.
MY SO-CALLED LIFE: THE COMPLETE SERIES Deluxe 6-DVD Box Set in stores on October 30th!
My Blog
Just wanted to say...
thanks. to all of you, who like, helped out. it has been really great getting to meet you all and I look forward to continuing our friendships online, or whatever...we had a time...a.c.
Posted by on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:57:00 GMT
An Awesome Fan’s Tale!!!
Being a kid you sense this greatness of looking up to celebrities because you saw them on some tv show. Or you saw them in your favorite movie. Some see them as larger than life people who aren't real...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 17:02:00 GMT
The winners of the MY SO-CALLED LIFE: THE COMPLETE SERIES DVD viewing party are (drum roll, please) Mike&Briton: http://www.myspace.com/mikedonahue This amazing couple might possibly be the number o...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 10:19:00 GMT
We got an "A"
I, am like, really excited. Entertainment Weekly Magazine gave the upcoming DVD release (all 19 episodes including bonus materials) an A. Like, that's the most amazing thing. Its,like, refreshing to k...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 13:49:00 GMT
Amazing Fans
Special thanks to Mike & Briton for posting and reposting bulletins for viewing parties!! Where are the rest of you...Next week (date: TBA) we will announce the recipient of the 250 bucks and the MY S...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:54:00 GMT
New Trivia - From a Fan!
These are some really great questions...in my humble opinion...and, um, like why haven't you responded with an entry for the viewing party...i would like, love to win $250 bucks for a party for my fri...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 08:44:00 GMT
Check out this event: My So-Called Life: DVD Viewing Party!
Hosted By: Angela ChaseWhen: Tuesday Oct 30, 2007 at 7:00 PMWhere: Your HouseAnywhere StNationwide, PA 15213United StatesDescription:Angela Chase Click Here To View Event
Posted by on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:38:00 GMT
Fan Trivia Questions!
Um, ok, first I should congratulate Jacqueline who got 2/3 MSCL trivia questions correct! the answers are as follows1) Liberty High School2) Mr. Racine3) It's A Wonderful Life Here are some new questi...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 00:17:00 GMT
Who knows the most...
With so many fans adding me, I thought it would be a great time to test your knowledge on MSCL trivia! I am going to give you a couple questions and lets see who knows the most...I mean, you know, if ...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 17:23:00 GMT
Remember when...?
Remember the way you felt when you watched the very first MSCL? Remember the first time I, like, sat in Jordan Catalono's car when he made me that terrible fake id? Or the time in the art museum, when...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 13:50:00 GMT