R * O * S * E profile picture

R * O * S * E

... tiMe wiLL teLL ...

About Me

- info on meeh -
name * rOse
nickz * preciOus - rOsie pOoh - angeL - kimchi
bday * 033184
age * 21
lOcatiOn * bak hOme - chi tOwn 773
reppin * serenity wha! & dye-verse(ya like dat huh lae)
**hoLLa at yO girL**
.... im a fun lOving, nice, outgOing, friendLy,
dOwn to earth, trying new things, tall,
smart kOrean .... haha
* never lose by loving, aLways lose by hoLding back *
R Revolutionary
O Outrageous
S Strange
E Elitist
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
R - You are a social butterfly
O - You are very open-minded.
S - You are very broad-minded.
E - You are a very exciting person.
twinkLe * jOzLin * punky * aNna * rOse * nga
punky * jOzLin * aNna * twinkLe * nga * me
[s][e][r][e][n][i][t][y] === jOzLin * aNna * nga * rOse * twinkLe * punky
leaNn * punky * me * jOzLin
me * leaNn * punky
jOaNna * jOzLin * me
punky* me * jozlin * maria * maria
punky * jr * me * edgar

My Interests

* eating, shopping, going online, dancing,
watching movies, talken on the phone,
chiLLen wit da peopLez, laughing, traveLing,
enjoying life, and eating sum more... haha *


I'd like to meet:

* friends.....
aim= ay ish meeh or rosiepooh331


* r&b, hip-hop, reggae, freestyle, euro, progressive,
sLow jamz, sometimes alternative, basically anything
that sounds good *


* saw too many to even remember *




* my mama! *

My Blog

(= brighter days =)

guess things are getting just a bit better lately... i can honestly say im having some fun times out here. but 8 more days left till we go back to home sweet home!! so punky and ching a ling finally ...
Posted by R * O * S * E on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

* new pLace *

its now been about 2 weeks since i been here in jersey and i gotta say, although i miss chicago ALOT , its nice to be away for awhiLe and get some peace of mind ! so far i got to visit new york and it...
Posted by R * O * S * E on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

. . . . next destination . . . .

t h i n k i n g . . . . 12 more days and off to new jersey for 2 months be back for twinkles bday then head back 2 months, 8 days and off to vegas!! past 4 weeks has been both fun and stressful!! ...
Posted by R * O * S * E on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

[ da inside scoop ]

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: rOse Birthday: 03 31 84 Birthplace: chicago Current Location: hoffman estates Eye Color: dark brown Hair Color: dark brown Height: 5'6 Right Han...
Posted by R * O * S * E on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what boredom does...

enjOy!! I N F O name : rOse single or taken: taken sex: femaLe bday: 033184 siblings: one annoying ass oLder sister hair color : dark brOwn? eye color: black height : 5'6 R E L A T...
Posted by R * O * S * E on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


theres SO many things to accOmpLish but dOnt knOw where and hOw to start! ....everybOdy cheats but yOu gOtta knOw hOw yOu gotta knOw when yOu gOtta knOw why.... dOnt live life...
Posted by R * O * S * E on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST