Indie, rock, pop, punk, funk, heavy-metal, schlager and much more. We've heared enough of all that, don't you agree? It all began with a simple riff created by Bong. He wanted to make a good fucking song but needed som help. And there was Simon, ready to break out behind the drums. He bought some sticks and borrowed a drumset and there we had a perfect duo. But what the fuck, a heavy riff needs to float on a heavy bass. Therefor Klausi came in to the picture, and offered his talant for the surviving of the new band. Together they used all their energy and ambition to get a nice repertoire. They succeeded pretty well and recorded some songs for their first demo in november 2007. It's heavy, it's slow and it will fuck your brain out. During all this shit they also planning to do some shows for all you infidels and hopefully you'll join the true church!
"I don't give a damn what you know or don't know, I'm just gonna torture you anyway"