Gay-Lesbian Manifesto profile picture

Gay-Lesbian Manifesto

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Across the United States of America homosexuality is feared, but not understood, and thus homosexuals ought to make their views known with a manifesto.
Regain your rights! "Don't ask, don't tell" steals your right to freedom of speech.
Homosexuals come from all walks of life, but that doesn't mean we can't stand as one. Boycott known homophobic organizations, and corporations.
How far will you let them go before you take a stand for YOUR rights?
Gay-Lesbian Manifesto:
1. To obtain equal rights from labor, government, community, human race
2. To fight homophobia, by means of erasing negative stereotypes, erasing use of negative monikers, and erasing gay bashing
3. Obtain equality in marriage
4. Redeem the homosexuals who have fallen and fought before us by means of striving for a better today and tomorrow in yourself, your community, and your government
5. Make our voices heard through supporting homo-positive leaders, artists, writers
6. Maintain a peaceful movement
7. Promote love and tolerance between humans of all sexualities
El Manifesto de Gays y Lesbianas:
1. Obtener derechos equal de trabajo, gobierno, comunidad, la raza humana
2. Luchar homofobia por manera de borrar estereotipos negativos, borrar uso de motes negativos, y borrar ataques sobre gays
3. Obtener igualdad de casamiento
4. Redimir los gays quienes caía y luchaba por manera de intentar para hoy mejor y una mañana mejor para ti, para la comunidad, y para el gobierno
5. Hacer entendido los voces nuestros para dar apoyo a lideres homo-positivos, artistas homo-positivas y escritores homo-positivos
6. Mantener un movimiento tranquilo
7. Promover el amor y la tolerancia sobre humanos de todos sexualidades
Веселый лесбийский Манифест:
1. Получить равные права от рабочей силы, правительства, сообщества, человеческого рода
2. Бороться с ненавистью к гомосексуалистам, посредством стирания отрицательных стереотипов, стирание использования отрицательных прозвищ, и стирания веселого избиения
3. Получить равенство в браке
4. Искупить гомосексуалистов, которые упали и боролись перед нами посредством борьбы за лучшее сегодня и завтра в вас непосредственно, вашем сообществе, и вашем правительстве
5. Сделать наши голоса услышанными через поддержку гомосексуальных положительных лидеров, художников, авторов
6. Поддержать мирное движение
7. Продвинуть любовь и терпимость между людьми всей сексуальности
1. 行なわれるために、同等の人が労働から正す  政治 コミュニティ 人間が
2と競争する。 否定的なステレオタイプを消すことによって 同性愛恐怖と戦うために否定的な名前の使用 を消して、
3をぶん殴っているゲイを消して。 結婚の平等を得てください
4。 戦うことによって倒れて、私たちの前で戦っ た同性愛者たちを果たしてください より良 い今日と自分、あなたのコミュニティ、及び あなたの政府の明日
5のために。 私たちの声が同性愛の肯定的なリーダーをサ ポートすることを通して聞かれるようにして ください アーティスト 作家 
6。 穏やかな動きを維持してください
7。 愛と全ての性衝動の人間の間の寛容〔耐性〕 を促進してください
Programme gai-lesbien :
1. Pour obtenir des droits égaux du travail, le gouvernement, la communauté, la race humaine
2. Pour combattre l'homophobie, au moyen d'effacer de stéréotypes de négatif, effaçant l'usage de monikers négatif, et effaçant cogner gai
3. Obtenir l'égalité dans le mariage
4. Racheter les homosexuels qui sont tombés et a combattu avant que nous au moyen d'efforcer pour un améliorer aujourd'hui et demain dans vous, votre communauté, et votre gouvernement
5. Faire nos voix entendues par soutenir les dirigeants positif homosexuel, les artistes, les écrivains
6. Maintenir un mouvement paisible
7. Promouvoir l'amour et la tolérance entre les humains de toutes sexualités
Manifesto gaio-lesbico:
1. Per ottenere i diritti uguali dalla mano d'opera, il governo, la comunità, la razza umana
2. Per lottare l'omofobia, per mezzo di cancellare gli stereotipi negativi, cancellando l'uso di monikers negativo, e cancellando gaio per colpire
3. Ottenere l'uguaglianza nel matrimonio
4. Liberare gli omosessuali che sono caduti e ha lottato prima che ci per mezzo di sforzare per un meglio oggi e domani in te stesso, la sua comunità, ed il suo governo
5. Fare le nostre voci sentite attraverso sostenere i dirigenti omosessuale positivo, gli artisti, gli scrittori
6. Mantenere un movimento pacifico
7. Promuovere l'amore e la tolleranza tra gli esseri umani di tutto il sexualities

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

You, Jan Palach, W.E.B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King Jr, Jan Zajic
Help us manifest a better tomorrow by telling your friends about us.

My Blog

The infamous runner-up link/ RUPAUL's drag race 2 casting

Nothing new to post about besides this stupid comment video from the Miss USA pageant, linked below.Local radio here in Seattle joked the pageant was held in Laramie, WY.Casting for RuPaul's Drag Race...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:24:00 GMT

80-year old soldiers fall in love

From fighting nazis to fighting prop 8
Posted by on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:11:00 GMT

Alternative Queer Blog

Comrades,I came upon this blog. I thought a lot of you in the larger cities would enjoying keeping up on cool happenings in your area.  Check it out:The new gayKeeping the fight alive,-GL Manifesto
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 23:25:00 GMT


Friends,I play Mobsters but won't add you for other apps. So if you mob then request me, otherwise sorry!
Posted by on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 18:12:00 GMT

Support the Zapatistas/ Apoya los Zapatistas

You should support Zapatistas because they support you. Check out School for Chiapas. They are looking for musical instruments for Zapatista children, some of which I will be personally bringing down ...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 05:34:00 GMT

Por qué debes dar tu apoyo al zapatistas

Anunciaré esto en el perfil también. Lo mejor es la entrevista con subcomandante Marcos al fin (cerca 3:00 al fin)Subcomandante Marcos
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 11:43:00 GMT

Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 10:00:00 GMT

Dan Savage on the Seattle Gay Bar Ricin Terrorist

If you haven't heard someone sent a letter to a number of gay bars in Seattle threatening to poison one bar every Saturday in January (2009) with ricin. Ricin is a poison, naturally occurring in casto...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 08:23:00 GMT

WWII, history of gays and lesbians

Very interesting, must seeComrades,I just happened upon this webpage and I think it is an excellent history. Please stop by and let me know what you think!Peace and love,GL Manifesto
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 08:15:00 GMT

It's like a gay manifesto for Obama!

Human Rights agenda for Obama
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 08:12:00 GMT