Every day I put on the corporate camouflage and parade around amongst the enemy like I'm one of them. Little do they know who they're really dealing with. If they did, some of them would run screaming, and most of those who wouldn't are my friends.
When alcohol is added I can be loud and rowdy, but a lot of fun. I love to ride my motorcycle with my headphones on and loud music blasting in my ears. I can rip and tear on a guitar, and a couple times a week I go trade punches and kicks with a bunch of willing participants (I think Ed Norton was there last night).
Ok, now for my nerdy side, I'm able to fix your computer when it breaks (don't let that get out), and I'll debate you to a stand still over something that's probably not important anyway. I can cook up a delicious dinner (or breakfast if you're lucky), but I hate to do the dishes afterward.
Life has been really good for the past few years. I have great friends, a great job, and the best dog in the world! That's enough about me for now, I'm just an average guy (Ok, I'm way above average!).