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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I walked by the snack machine a while back and wondered, "Why the hell is there a greasy forehead print on the plexiglass?" I thought maybe someone bent over to get something and hit their head. Maybe it was a freak accident and someone tripped on a candy bar wrapper, to meet the plastic front of snack machine doom. Someone could have possibly jumped in line in front of another co-worker and purchased the only remaining pack of twinkies, and received a massive wedgie that threw them head-first into the window. Either way things went, it just wouldn't make sense.Today was another story. The snack fairy had delivered a cornucopia of refreshment goodness. Windows were cleaned, stickers from disgruntled workers demanding their change back were removed. Sodas and candies from planets far and near were smiling at me, begging me to indulge myself.Without singles, I was left to get change for a 5 dollar bill in quarters. Seconds later I found myself in a position that every junkie has been in before. "Hmm... twix.. no, too chocolatey... Doritos... no... too salty. no candy bars... no chips.." and there it was, the perfect collection of junk food happiness... The last bag of strawberry shortbread cookies. Semi-soft cookie with a spot of chewy strawberry filling. "Yes, this is what I want," I thought, throwing in my quarters and making sure to hit the right buttons... E.... and my fingers trembling with anticipation.... 7... The coil spins pushing out my bag of sweet...... "Goddamnit." *thud* This is the part where I realize how a grease spot forms on the front of a snack machine, peeling my forehead from the glass. Held on by a 5 millimeter piece of plastic, the bag stares back at me KNOWING that I have more than one choice to make. I take a look around to see if anyone's near and knee the bastard. He only mocks me. I tilt the machine back as much as I can and realize that snacks must weigh a metric ton. It doesn't budge.Suddenly I'm left with a decision to flee or fight. I'm somewhat hungry.. I need a little sugar, so I have to decide what the factor will be. 1 level up lies the twinkies. A direct fall down to the bag of shortcakes should definately hit it, even a slight tragectory miscalculation would still have enough velocity to knock the bag from it's grip on survival. Up 3 levels is the mother of all snacks... The Sticky Honey Bun. Arteries cringe and diabetics convulse at the sight of these monsters. Weighing in at over a pound... slimey and sticky, it would definately hit the asshole, but who wants to walk down a hallway with a bag of cookies and a sticky bun the size of your face. Lord knows it won't fit in your pocket, and everyone will wonder what the hell is wrong with you as you walk by... "Look at that dumbass, why doesn't he go to the cafeteria and buy a sandwich?"Nonetheless, I'm left with the twinkies. D...7.. spins... spins... the corkscrew spins the twinky off camber to the left and misses it completely. "Screw it".. I walk down the hall with a V8 and bag of twinkies feeling pissed at the world and incomplete because of the cards I had been dealt. I turned the corner and asked if anyone wanted twinkies, thinking that someone actually would and I would have the excuse to go retrieve that bastard of a bag. At the last second, a co-worker told me he would take them, as he walked out the door for the day. He ripped the bag open, I walked down the hall to my cubicle and put down my drink. I take the lone walk back to the evil snack machine, change in hand, to hear "Hungry are ya?"As I round the corner I see a man with full smile.. walking out the door with a sticky bun and bag of shortbread cookies yelling, "It's two for one day!"F..$k you, snack fairy.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sarah Wade..

My Blog

Things I never remember to write down.

I need to start posting stuff so that I remember what the kids said, because we always forget.  Tonight was this.... Dublin: I wish I had a head shaped like an Octagon.Sarah:  You wish you h...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 04:02:00 GMT

Presidential Candidates

     There are 2 things that most people don't talk about, especially at work.      Religion and Politics.      Starting in to this race, I ...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 11:59:00 GMT


I was tagged by Sarah, but I'm not going to post the rules and reasoning other than listing 8 random facts about myself that Most people don't know.  Nonetheless, I have a few minutes before work...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 05:13:00 GMT

ADD Before Christmas

'Tis the night before Christmas, or so my kids think,And the idea of travelling is starting to stink.I sick back, I ponder, question if they will know,I look out the window, "Where the hell's the...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 00:16:00 GMT

Rough day...

   Today was rough.  The lack of sleep due to a furnace malfunction at 4am didn't help with going to an interview at 11:00 AM for a possible new position.   Watchin Dub and fi...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:51:00 GMT


Bump because I updated the last one.
Posted by on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 20:39:00 GMT


So, I'm browsing around my Google homepage today.  ...  Granted, Google blows chunks, but it's somewhat of a love/hate relationship. ... Anyway..   I see my "how-to" of the da...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 22:36:00 GMT

My girl..

I like my girl heavy.with big thighs and no neck.3  rolls on her legs2 on her chest. I like her to belch,right after her meal.And rip a big fart,whenever she feels. I adore her blue eyes,her...
Posted by on Wed, 03 May 2006 13:25:00 GMT

Iran.. damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Iran... more than your average SNAFU. Here's a quick summary for those who go by what they hear from friends or brief newscasts. Iran's working on building nuclear weapons, and will not stop.&nbs...
Posted by on Tue, 02 May 2006 21:57:00 GMT

The poopy monster.

  "Did Dublin poop?"  Sarah asked, before I was ready to make a trip to the oval office to make a deposit, myself.  After checking, he was all good.  She asked me to get him out of...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 20:05:00 GMT