Write ... profile picture

Write ...

survived the plague, floated the flood, just peeked our heads above the mud, no ones immune defening

About Me

I'm like ... pretty random, but nice, I sing for a band right now, guitar is fun, and drinking too, I'm a student on hiatus - journalism major, I write poetry, I work out randomly, and play softball when I'm not doing anything related to the other shit ... friends, good times, and memories ... make everything fun and keep people laughing and smiling ... anyway take a gander and my shit and I'll catch you later and on the singing thing, if anyones interested, I'll post a bulletin when we're playing our first show incase you might want to check it out, we're also looking for a serious bassist, someone who wants to write some different music and wants to go somewhere with it, let me know
You're the Rock Star!
Take What sort of Hipster are you? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey 's Personality Test Generator . Fuck college, fuck a "real" job! Music is your life! You're a hometown hero! You're in at least two local bands and are thinking of forming a third. You sleep on your friend's couch, eat your friend's food, and borrow your friend's car. You frequent the dark city bars and hang with the other rockers and groupies. You wear dirty jeans, well-worn t-shirts, and your hair is a mess. You're sinister and mysterious and look as if you don't give a shit. You worship the Rolling Stones, MC5, and your older brother's band. You're gonna make it big one of these days, you can just feel it.My Cousin Art Tanguma Edcouch-Elsa soon to play on Saturdays... 2007 3rd team All-State selection

My Interests

... singing . writing music poetry . guitar . being somewhat intillectual . not making up my mind . critiquing everything . smiling at nothing . listening to no one . taking advice . squashing bad habits . being somewhat attractive . eating when I'm hungry . not knowing what I'm talking about . and doing things no one expects when no one expects them ...

I'd like to meet:

Chino Moreno, Brandon Boyd,Chris Cornell, Ben Gibbard, Maynard James Keenan, and the late Dimebag Darryl Abbott-- Thoughtage: Have you ever felt that you were reaching for a star that was just beyond your reach but, you didn't want it to move from where it was? I want that star ... --


... many music ...


yeah a lot of movies


one of those too


Bag of Bones . . . . don't read much, Stephen King's memoirs on writing


really? ... lol ... Jim Morrison . Bob Marley . Chino Moreno . and Maynard James Keenan, he's a bad motherfucker ...

My Blog


well I just wanted to post a little something on being dissapointed. I'm dissapointed in myself because I'm tired as hell and not recording shit, sorry if anyone was actually looking forward to any of...
Posted by Write ... on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:08:00 PST

thought provoking lyrics and the band that wrote them

I can't believe I wasted my time looking at some of these bands in the battle of the bands, I'll stop now as I wated to throw up when I read that a certain valley band had "thought provoking lyrics" i...
Posted by Write ... on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 05:14:00 PST

not at home

hey I haven't talked to some of you in forever, just thought I'd let everyone know that didn't, I've been living with my girlfriend and we don't have a computer, I keep checking in though, hope everyo...
Posted by Write ... on Tue, 09 May 2006 10:27:00 PST

last one ...

I feel left out again, lost in what I've said still asking myself questions words jumbled in my head there really is no answer nothing left to ponder my questions so rhetoric that still, you sit and w...
Posted by Write ... on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 01:22:00 PST

and another ...

I should feel more complete no sense is made from this, it was what I needed it was what I missed it's not too much to handle thought time and time again I realized it should be saved maybe till the e...
Posted by Write ... on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 01:08:00 PST

another ...

I feel I'm on a tight ropewalking for my lifebut this time being suffocatedand I can't open my eyesI'm not leaning either waystill scared that I may fallslowly losing conciseness,not responding to you...
Posted by Write ... on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 01:04:00 PST

new-er poetry ... not all, just a few

here's some poetry i'd been writing, most of them are untitled and I don't have the dates ... that's what I usually use for the title ... oh and congratulations to me for passing Summer Sess...
Posted by Write ... on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 12:58:00 PST

I guess it's on dating

hah, damn I'm not into this school shit ... but hey, I has come time to shave my head again, and I usually do because it's so damn hot but for some reason I don't give a shit. lol ... I don't even gro...
Posted by Write ... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I'm drunk and I'm goin to bed

I'm drunk and I'm going to bed ... cell ...292-3977 if you NEED something ...
Posted by Write ... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fuck ... one week

hey everyone ... today is Tuesday the 14th ... exactly one week before my birthday the 21st  ... contact me in order to arrange for gift pick ups ... , anyway ... I'm gon...
Posted by Write ... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST