Heather = </3 Again profile picture

Heather = </3 Again

Show me ONE guy thats not the same

About Me

*My name is Heather
*I'm 20
*I play Halo 2, deal with it
*My favorite gametype is Team SWAT
*I LOVE Guitar Hero II
*I've played in one MLG Event
*Honestly, I'm HORRIBLE, but I play for FUN
*Female gamers are the shit
*My GT is: MoB xXHeatherXx and MoB Ms Heather
*My AIM is: MoB xXHeatherXx
*I don't take random friend requests
*I know everyone on my friends list
*If my friends list is full, DON'T send me a clan inv asking me to remove someone or that you know someone in MoB, I DON'T care
*Don't message me asking what my GT and AIM is, I just told you and I won't reply
*If I decline your friend request and you send me more, I WILL block you! I declined it the first time for a reason
*If you spam, say goodbye
*If you IM me right after I sign onto AIM, I won't answer you
*I am part of the MoB Gaming Family, got a problem? Too bad, tell someone that cares
*Check us out at MoBGaming.net
*I do have a life outside of Halo
*I go to College and I work
*I plan on becoming a teacher
*I have a TWIN brother
*My favorite color is blue
*I LOVE my friends
*I'm half Italian and half Polish
*I have a huge family, therefore I LOVE going to family events, they come first in my life
*My parents are divorced
*I have a dog named Buddy
*I love dolphins
*I am a very nice person, but I can be a bitch when needed
*Sometimes, I trust people too quickly
*I've been hurt in the past and therefore, I don't open up as easily anymore
*I'm shy
*But if you know me, I like to talk ALOT
*I don't like fake people
*I don't like people that judge you when they don't even KNOW you
*I like the Florida Gators
*I love watching movies and just hanging out
*I like to go shopping
*I like helping people
*I have never done any drugs in my life
*My favorite band at the moment is Hinder and Stone Sour, they're awesome!
*I believe in second chances, but when you screw me over or use me, then f*ck you
*I'm not here to please anyone but ME
*Anything I didn't mention, doesn't concern you, unless I know you

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet TONS of people. And unfortunately I won't get to meet more then half the people I want to. Many people list all these celebrities, and sure I'm not gonna lie I'd love to meet Johnny Deep. But honestly, I'd like to meet alot of the people I play videogames with. Yeah its a game, but I've met some of these people already and they are GREAT friends.

MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts




I don't watch many TV shows but I honestly get drawn into reality shows. I love American Idol when its on and of course the Real World and the Road Rules on MTV. And I can't forget Family Guy.


And anything by Stephen King.


My MOM......she's been through hell and back and I love her to death.

My Blog

Recent change in career path

So, if anyone knows me at all......then you should know that I've never been able to make up my mind on what I want to do. I went from wanting to be a vet to a doctor to a nurse to a teacher and then ...
Posted by Heather = </3 Again on Mon, 28 May 2007 10:01:00 PST


Wow! It just amazes me how some people will believe everything they HEAR instead of confronting the people that supposingly said something. After typing that I realized that I taught myself a lesson. ...
Posted by Heather = </3 Again on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 12:13:00 PST