Member Since: 05/09/2007
Influences: Bill Ward, who has given so much talent, time, effort, friendship and guidance (and recipes). Cynthia Standley put up with all my ego, doubt, procrastination and grumpiness. thanks to Jeanne Jaspers-Donovan for musical, moral and material support. Sharon Warrington opened her ears, heart, and home (mmmmm the kitchen). thanks to Connor for bathroom privileges. April Robinson, you have to know that you are so much a part of me. thank-you to CD and Billie Ruth; you guys have stood by me for a long time. Sarah and Desiree, you’re always an inspiration. Denise Pickett, Blair Powell and Lindell Braud, Jack, Steve Brooks, Andrew Holland, Melinda Root, Sara Landymore and all the gang at Gallagher‘s in D.C., Chuck Spaeth, Lynn Vivian, Jake Strongbow and Dianne Chaat-Smith, Duane Isaacson, Bill and Patty Minner, Larry Moon, Saylor White, Master Thai, Shannon Flattery, Nonie Johns, Janet Fischer, Sherri Gates, Chuck Tinney, Jan Adams, Jim Barton, Danny Cerling, Paul Aspenwall, Gabrielle Grabosch-Clarke, April Kelly, Bob and Dannell Bocock, Butch White, Roy Glenn Shannon, Suzanne Calvin, Ernie Belding, Kathy Milhorn, Jane Edwards-Wood, Maggie Hayes, Danny Beebe, Paul Glenn, Ken Gaines, Charles Abraham, Randy Roth, Dennis Tieken, Miki Free, William Bonny and Carmel Z, Bill Ervin, David Ruthstrom, Sam Atchley, Tom Beeler, Erica Elvander, Kathleen Flynn-Schoon, John Akiss, Ron Wier, Eric Korb, Donna Fox, Jay and Sherman, Joe and Rachael and Ashlee Rose Beissner, Robin Pasternak, Doug Mier, Hamp Simmons, Keith Pajkowski, Debbie Tabor, Barbara and Jack Belding, Keith Rosenthal, Jack Harding, Angela Sigur, Larry and Jeanne Lyon, Melanie Williams, Tracy Quinn, Eddie Ottenstien, Clay Ainsworth, Kilton Stewart, Allen Flagg, Sally Jepson, Lynn Parsons, Carol Campbell, Ellen Swaffar, Wally Jackson, Darlene Nichols, Shirley Beahm, Kelly Dwyer, Angela Cole, Vicky Thacker, Korey Whitmore, Victor Martinez, Roger Tholen, Mike Powell, Ted DeMatteo, Gary Lippe, Research, Mindy Abbott, Irene Vogel, Bill Byrd, Nan Scott, Norman Fanney, Roger and Randy and Jeff Bayless, Cathy and Genaro Garcia and Whitney and Blake and Cameron Uranga, Marie Hagan, Toni Cornell, Mac Griffin, Chai, Harvey Jackins, Melissa Sambrooks, Bruce and Tommy and Lois Wright, Norman Clark, Orris III and IV, Chris and Darrell Richards, Dr. Seuss, Hiro, Walt Disney, flash the songdog, kpft, wls, kaay, and many more who have offered inspiration, hope and love…