{MR.SMITH} #44 profile picture

{MR.SMITH} #44


About Me

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My Interests

This is my fav. lil mama, my lil cuzin sade, she so cute........and hella energetic...lolz.....


This rite here is my sis, she so damn crazy, but i love her though, niggas bettas treat her rite or we got problems, kuz i aint the only bro.......so dont try no funny shit...lolz.....love u sis....


This my lil kuzin bryan, he the last of the Smith family and like my lil brother.......ladies he's available.....lolz.....


tons of questions that show your in depth side!
whats your name?: William Smith
what do people call you?: Will
where you named after anything?: my father
if you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: iono
do people spell/say your name wrong?: no
if you could change your name what would you change it to?: Micheal
gender?: male
birthday?: october 1st
age?: 18
age you act?: 20
age you want to be?: 25
height?: 5'11
eye color?: dark brown
happy with it?: yea
natural hair color?: black
happy with it? if not do you dye it?: yea
righty or lefty?: righty
family?: yea, mom, dad, bro, and a sis
pets?: yea, a dog
peircings?: 2
tatoos?: one
love and stuff
single?: nope
who are you with, or who do you want to be with?: Endia eglen, for ova 5 years
are you in love?: hell yea
have you ever been in love, if so how many times?: yea, once, with the gurl im with now
do you believe in love at first sight?: no, thats inadiquite
is it possible to be faithful to one person for ever?: yes
do you want to get married?: yes
do you want to have kids?: yes, a boy and a girl
how many?: two
do you believe in divorce?: no
do you belive in true love?: yes
do you consider love a mistake?: no
turn-ons?: my girl knoes
turns-offs?: my girl knoes that too
do you think the oppisite sex finds you attractive?: yes
what is best about the opposite sex?: their qualities that differ from mine
what is worst about the oppisite sex?: their attitudes
are you a virgin?: hahahaha
do you belive you should be in love to have sex?: yes
how far have you gone?: all the way
how many people have you had sex with?: one
do other people consider you a slut?: haha, hell no
right at this moment...
where are you?: in my room
what can you see out your window?: the night sky
are you listening to music?: yes
are you lonely or tired?: im tired
use 5 words to decribe how you are feeling:: tired, sad,worried,happy,loved
are you talking to anyone online? if so who?: yea, my friends
are you talking to anyone of the phone? if so who?: yea, my gurl
what are you wearing?: some b-ball shorts and a beater
what are you doing?: watchin t.v and aimin
whats on your mousepad?: iono
how many true friends do you have?: two
are you a loner?: no
who is your best friend?: my homboy jeremy that i've known since i was three
oldest?: jeremy
newest?: my play sis Bri
shyest?: my gurl
loudest?: my friend Deja
smartest?: my friend Chi Chi
ditziest?: iono
funniest?: jeremy
who is the best listener?: Chi Chi
do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?: group
who do you wish you were closer to?: my girl
who knows the most about you?: my girl
who knows the least about you?: my mom and dad
who do you trust the most?: my girl
the least?: my lil kuzins
who do you fight with the most?: my girl....lol.....insyder
who do you talk to online the most?: my girl
who do you talk to on the phone the most?: my moma
do you trust others easily?: no
name one who's arms you feel safe in:: my gurls
who house were you at last?: my gurls
who's your second family?: my auntie in harbor city
who lives the farthest away?: my family in new york
do you....
smoke?: used too
drink alcohol?: depends on wen and wit who
do drugs?: nope
pray?: yes
go to church?: yes
sleep with stuffed animals?: haha, no
take walks in the rain?: yes
dance in the rain?: sometimes
do any sports? if so which ones?: track, football, and basketball
sleep around?: no
lie a lot?: no
steal?: no
gamble?: we all gamble all the time in life
have you ever....
kissed a stranger?: no
slept with a stranger?: no
spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: yes
screamed so much you lost your voice?: yes
laughed so much it was painful?: yes
cried so much it was painful?: yes
gone skinny dipping?: not yet
played strip poker?: no
had a medical emergency?: yes
ran away from home?: yes
done something extremely unexpected?: all the time
slept outside?: yes
been onstage?: yes
deep stuff....
whats your biggest fear?: losing my girl
what was your weirdest dream?: wen i was beatin up by midgets....lol
scariest dream?: my girl cheatin on me
do you have a reoccuring dream?: yes
what was your best dream?: wen me and my girl get married
what IS your dream?: to become a lawyer
do you live in the moment?: yes
what you greatest stregth?: my thoughts
whats your greatest weakness?: my girl
do you have a motto you live by?: no
if your life were a movie what would it be called?: The life of a nigga wit too many problems, lolz
do you have any bad habits?: no
do you have any secrets?: yes
are you fake?: no
what do you want to do in life?: get married and get old wit my wife
are you a daredevil?: sumtimes
are you predictable?: no
do you keep a journal/diary?: no
if you could change one thing about you would you? what would it be?: no
if you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself?: yes
do you think your a good person?: yes
do you think your emotionally strong?: sorta
do you regret anything?: yes
do you think life has been good so far?: not really
what do you like most about you body?: my stomach
least?: my arms
are you trust worthy?: yes
are you gullible?: no
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THIS IS A DEDICATION TO MY WIFE ENDIA, SHE IS THE INSPIRATION TO THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK....I LOVE U BABY...They say a women like you only blooms once in a lifetyme, so im takin out this moment to let you kno that i will water you with knowlege, plant you in a garden of protection, and keep u alive with my sunshine of love, so that you may grow into the beautiful flower u are ment to be..........


This my wife to be right here......and i love her with all my heart, niggas fall back, she's all mine....lol....I love you baby....