I hope no one gets the impression that I LITERALLY don't have any friends. I know I do. However, I'm just in that state of lonliness to realize that two of my so-called best friends have been nothing more than a bunch of slimy cock-suckers, refusing to appreciate my well-being.I see so many people and they have a friend they can talk to. They have a friend who they can depend on and trust. Just recently, I've come the realization that two people who were suppose to close to me have (9 out 10) never EVER been there when I truly needed them.Every time I needed them, they have given some of the worst support I could ever have gotten. Their fucking attitudes are immature beyond a doubt! Then when I called them pricks, they have the damn nerve to say to me that they ARE friends! Fucking bastards!If they're good friends, then where the hell were they when my dog, Nicki died a year ago?! Where were they when I was alone on Christmas day?! Where were they when my ex-girlfriend (Now friend) and I broke up?! Or when I needed a hotel room for the past two conventions? Or when I was humiliated by a bunch of girls?! Where were these fucking asshole, huh?! Caring about themselves!To think that I thought they would be there for me, only to see that they aren't is truly unbelievable.........and heart-breaking.I'd go more into detail, but I won't.I write this because I'm hoping to somehow release this anger that's inside me. I know over time, it will get better and I will soon have that friend that will be there for me, every step of the way. They'll be there when I need support, and not wuss away and tell me things like "Get over it", or "Oh well". People like them have more growing up to do, than they realize.And don't think (To whoever reads this) you're the jerk I'm referring to, unless I called you a prick, then nevermind.It's also tough to realize if I have any true friends at all. I have moments where I think my friends are there, but when the going gets tough, they just go away. Sometimes I wonder: DO I have real friends, or just those who like me for being silly and random?It's hard to feel this way. It's hard to stay positive, even though I still do. It's just hard.So to those who have read this, I say to you: Don't take your friends for granted; don't BE taken for granted. Because one day, you'll wish you didn't.