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There are two freedoms - the false, where a man is free to do what he likes; the true, where he is f

About Me

My Interests

How to make a GoodLordyShorty

3 parts anger
5 parts brilliance
3 parts craziness
5 parts sensuality
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little sadness if desired!

Photography, Arts, Literature, Comedy, Humanitarian Efforts, Good Causes, Karma, Dharma and the True Pursuit of What IS and Always will be, Enlightenment, Music....All that Good Stuff...

I'd like to meet:

Diary of Mother Goddess...

Full Time Mom of 2 Princes and 1 Princess, Full time Paper Pusher, I Breathe, Eat, Drink, & Sleep all things Photography...Full Time everything else as well. Funny all the time but serious when I need to be. I enjoy life, that's all there is to it...and If ya Love me....I Love ya back.....Life is a comedy for those that think and a trajedy for those that feel...I'm on both sides of the coin....where do you fall?....

Se llama Sophia, Y es Bien Hija de Su Madre, Para que lo Sepan!

To My BOYS & My PRINCESS: Everything I Do, I do for you. You are my Motivation. Mita Loves You!!!!

"One man's trash is another man's treasure."

God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go." and I am UNCEASINGLY blessed....When the shit really hit the fan, my TRUE ONES Showed Face, and that's why they are still around and celebrate with me my successes & roll with the punches with me. To those who couldn't show & prove all that they claimed to be or represent for me, Fuck You from the bottom of my Heart!
"Never bring a man into your life that doesn't resemble the men you are trying to raise."
"Hope has 2 daughters - Anger & Courage. Anger so that what should not be, may not be and Courage so that what must be, will be." - St. Augustine
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
There are two freedoms - the false, where a man is free to do what he likes; the true, where he is free to do what he ought." ~ Charles Kingsley
"Life is reciprocal. You draw to yourself that which you are.
"In A Time of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act."
"Living Truthfully under Imaginary Circumstances!"
"Some individuals are Masters at the art of Self-Reflection & their sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning for others!
"Those who dance are called insane by those who can't hear the Music" - George Carlin
"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character" Albert Einstein
"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it."
"Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have."
My first Love...
Music and Tradition
Handed down through that kat I call my Dad.
This is my first piece; underdeveloped,but a talent nonetheless.
"Soy Mujer....y le doy de mi miel, a quien se lo merece..." - India
Never give an individual the respect or courtesy that they cannot reciprocate.

There are quite a few of us that lose their path or thought process when suffering a heartbreak. My goal with what I am about to say is to help ease the uncertainties and insecurities about Love. You deserve for someone to do right by you. Do not lower your standards for the sake of Love. Love don't pay the Bills and doesn't really make you a better person or complete you. You are born whole and complete. The Bad thing about Lowering your standards is you lay your integrity and your heart and everything else right down there with your standards and you run the risk of all of that getting stomped on. Then Love ceases to exist due to pettiness or human mistakes. If you are going through it, make your best effort to Know better for next time. Know that it is important to Reflect what you want you want to Attract. Don't settle for less than that. Love is not egotistical or judgmental. The Good thing about the right kind of Love is that it knows your Worth. And that, my Friends, is enlightenment.
What is the true meaning of the words "DO YOU!" brainstorming the following is what I've come up with....Being your best self...Loving the SHIT out of yourself...Being able to complete yourself BY YOURSELF...(you don't need anyone to complete you unless they are your children)... Know your limits...create healthy barriers...Love from a a distance if you have to ...let..s face it, some relationships you REALLY need to know are not right for you . Pay attention to how you feel when you just finished being with that person or talking to them...Is there a VOID? YES!!...well, it just ain't right...Cry if you have to, Laugh if you want to...sometimes you just gotta say FUCK IT!!!...Dance your ass off (if you can)...physically impossible for me...if you've seen my Ass, you know what I'm talkin about...lmfao...try things at least once, twice if you like it, more if you love it...know and accept your weaknesses, celebrate and nurture your strengths...empower yourself...explore yourself...(NOT JUST play with yourself...LOL)...know how and when to say Fuck Yes or Hellz No...SMILE, it's the second best thing you can do with your lips....Lastly, but certainly not least....BE UNCOMPROMISINGLY TRUE TO YOURSELF AND YOUR CONVICTIONS....You are Worth it and anything less would be Inauthentic!
Some people know me, some people REALLY know me....Others, THINK they Fuckin know me but they don't know the Half. The Truth is, I am Selective. I share what I FEEL like sharing, my thoughts, my heart, my time, my body. Once upon a time, I didn't know how to control how much I shared with other people...but as a good friend says...Experience is just a name they give to one's Mistakes....Sooo....I tightened up...hit the wall a few times before I started going over it or around it. Some people just can't figure me out...I've had some people tell me "You are crazy"..."You're a freak"..."Are you Bi?"... Am I?...ooooo wouldn't you like to know!!!......LOL....My favorite, "Let's have a 3some".....PERSONALLY, that is one of the most revolting and disrespectful things a person can say to me...and I'll explain why. Although some might call me a social butterfly or think in their twisted miniscule minds that CRU is a playa...the one thing I REALLY want people to know about me is that I am one of the most loyal, giving people you can ever encounter. Secondly, I am attracted to "PEOPLE"...Male or Female, if you have befriended me or conquered my heart, you should know that about me. My ability to be openly affectionate and loving towards MY PEOPLE does not define my sexuality. I treat Everyone the same. I value people the way they should value me.

Cru: I've become the Man I've Always wanted to Marry!
Mo: girl and as u get older u will not want one
Mo: b/c u will be on some fuck a nigga ish
Mo: b/c u have done for u for so long
Cru: Been there and back a few times
Mo: and a man will try to impose his ways
Cru: hahahahahah
Mo: and ur independent 2-personality ass won't have that shit
Mo: u will have him and spit his ass out
Mo: and knowing u, u won't leave any meat on the bones

THOUGHTS, PONDERINGS (that keep me productive)
Of life I've learned many things. In order to improve the quality of my life I have to think long-term and act short-term to achieve my goals. Success is neither obtained nor measured by the tangible things. Devotion, Dedication and Responsibility lie and come from the deepest recesses of ones heart and soul. One of the most important things that I've learned is that your children are a reflection of you. I see it in my parents and in my own children and so the Saga continues.

WHO I'D LIKE TO MEET...HMMM.... Anyone except the following:Perverts, Pedophiles, "Mami let me hit that" types, Needy "Why don't you Love me" types, "Can I get your numba" types, "Lemme holla at you for a second" types, BOTTOM LINE: Come to me with Substance & Gray Matter between your temples or don't come to me at all.


Mmmm Mmmm, Yeah yeah...Give me Music, Give me Love.... I'm a House Child...but I Love Ambient, Descarga - Salsa Classics, Boogaloo, Yoruba, Merengue Classics, Bachata y Ripiao, Latin Jazz, NeoSoul, R&B, Hip Hop, Reggaeton. Very Eclectic Tastes, As long as the Music is Good & moves me inside and out...I will listen..and dance!


Comediessssssssssssssssssss.....Romantic Comedies, Slapstick Comedies, Crude Comedy, Stand Up Comedy....Just make my fat ass laugh dammit.... Occasional Love Story....Drama and Action.


You know you're getting old when you watch Novelas on Telemundo from 7 pm til 10pm. OH MY GOD...I'm becoming My mother!!!!! Sit coms, some drama shows...Desperate Housewives, Kevin Hill, George Lopez, Comedy Central....


Jane Eyre, The Scarlet Letter, Behold a Pale Horse, The Unseen Hand (Vic, have to finish it..I promise I will) .....Gots to Get OSHO - The Book of Secrets before Vic sends out his Secret Service on my ass and straps to a chair and feeds me organic lettuce until I finish it ( and that book is HUMONGOUS)...hehehe...., The Wonder of Boys, a bunch of other books that I've read and forgot the titles because like all Good Deeds, I pass them on....


Wonder Woman!!!!!!!!!!! I used to wear the underoos.....hahahaha... All the Moms & Dads (Single and Not so Single) that make it a POINT to Make it in this World....You are my heros....

My Blog

Newest Addition to the Family - MoonShadow

So a couple of weeks ago on the night of the Lunar Eclipse, we're all outside doing what we do on special nights like this particular one. This Black cat with the most amazing Yellow Eyes I've ever se...
Posted by Cru on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 05:40:00 PST

Cravings and other pregnancy thoughts!

I freakin grew up on this shit! And I'm craving it to no end! I'll get to what I mean in a little bit but first an introduction: This pregnancy is as trying as it is true. If anyone ever doubted that...
Posted by Cru on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 08:07:00 PST

De Que Nos Vale

  Te pasas la vida esperando que llegue te sueñas de blanco Amada por siempre Lo encuentras y entonces descubres que nada es lo que parece Y firmas un pacto que juras eterno pero no se...
Posted by Cru on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 11:57:00 PST

LOVE - The Best Birthday Wish

My Dirty 30 was yesterday and although I have the weekend to make up for the fact that it landed on a Thursday and I had to work, I'm content for many reasons. My awesome boss treated my son and me to...
Posted by Cru on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 06:59:00 PST

The OFFICIAL Women for Dummies Tutorial!

WOMEN FOR DUMMIES TUTORIAL (BY DUMMIES I MEAN MEN!) Before you accuse a woman of being bitchy, walk a mile in her shoes. Her pointy-toed, high-heeled, impossibly uncomfortable shoes. One more thing ...
Posted by Cru on Wed, 02 May 2007 10:02:00 PST


They say we have about a 10 year window to fix the Global Warming Crisis and that we have to turn down the earth's temperature. Man made CO2 is the leading cause to the melting of our mother earths sn...
Posted by Cru on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 08:19:00 PST

Dedicacion a mi Madre

Madre fueron nueve mesesque estuve en tu vientrey naci de ti...Madre gracias por la vidapor las cosas lindasque aprendi de tì..El aliento y el calor de tu cariñono se puede compararlos momentos mas am...
Posted by Cru on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 07:38:00 PST

Para Los Camaleones! HA!!!!!

  ¿Qué es lo que pasa, Camaleón?Calma la envidia que me tienes. Aunque tú cambiesde color, yo siempre sé por donde vienes.Yo te conozco, Camaleón; lo que te estávolviendo loco es que tú has vist...
Posted by Cru on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 09:31:00 PST

My Passion, My Purpose - Photography

Those of you that know me know that Photography is what I've been dedicating myself to tirelessly and with truth in conviction. Should you need additional information or want to just shoot the breeze ...
Posted by Cru on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 01:46:00 PST

The True Epitome of Love

amahl there is only one purpose to life... to love.there is only one reason for living... learning love.there is one reason for relationships... to share love.there is one reason for being in a crowd....
Posted by Cru on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 12:11:00 PST