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About Me

My name is... well i am not sure. Some call me Tim,(Monty Python) other people call me Cameron even more call me CJ and there are also those who call me Baby Huey or Yeti. I like to think that i am a relaxed person. i love to entertain, if you come to my house you will be fed some type of homemade dessert or a full meal. i just like to make people fat.
Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.
Ambrose Bierce
If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use
Do, or do not. There is no 'try'
Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain
The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work
Black holes are where God divided by zero
There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens
The nice thing about being a celebrity is that if you bore people they think it's their fault
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it
Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so
There are two ways of constructing a software design; one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult
If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning
Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung
Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate
In America, anybody can be president. That's one of the risks you take
Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research
"I think it would be a good idea."
- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), when asked what he thought of Western civilization
After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet God before I die. That way I could ask him some questions I have always wanted answered.I would also like to meet Robin Williams and play some improv games with him. Even though I know he would totally blow me away with the quickness of his mind.

My Blog

Story with a moral

OLD VERSION:The ant and the grasshopperThis one is a little different...Two Different Versions! Two Different Morals!OLD VERSION: The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 07:31:00 GMT

Thank You Charlene

RainI wish I were a mermaid,Then I could swim away--Swim away from all this rainThat pours down every day.I wish I were a pegasusWith wings to fly away--Fly away from all this rainThat pours down ever...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 04:20:00 GMT

One Year

I can hardly believe that it has been an entire year. I dont know how I have made it through without a total emotional breakdown. Am I some kind of unfeeling monster? Why have I been able to just keep...
Posted by on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 00:39:00 GMT

How I spend my time

Posted by on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 00:37:00 GMT

My Obsessed Sister

It is 3:30 a.m. and my sister is having an emotional breakdown because she cannot remember a line from the movie Amadeus. She started rocking back and forth at one point talking to herself saying "I'm...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 03:34:00 GMT

Musical Philosophy

I just bought an album of 100 classical pieces on iTunes. i have always been partial to music without lyrics because i feel that it allows there to be more interpretation and more imagination then say...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 01:59:00 GMT

Last words.

Well today was the last day of school. What can I say? It doesn't seem like it has been four years, but it has. Well I am certainly going to miss being a part of our fantasic shows. They were a ton of...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 00:25:00 GMT

About Moi

How well do you know CJ?*= number of pointsFirst Name:**Middle Name:***Last Name:*Drama Name(s) (More you name more points you get): *Favorite Color:*Hobbies (More you name more points you get):*How l...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 23:35:00 GMT