Redd is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.
From Go-Quiz.comBooks,Sci -fi, Fantasy , Horror and anything wierd...that goes for Movies too..Photography...Books....Wolves,..selling stuff on eBay (midnightoyz,check it out)....learning about new things (new to me)..Collecting Hot Wheels Motorcycles...talking to ppl..having fun...Ham Radio (KC0(Zero)VJS My call sign).....and oh yea..did i mention Books yet?
Anybody who is willing to talk to me.....prolly somebody like you...
Hmmm...they sure give you a big space to fill in the Music part...Yes, i like Music ...any type of Music that sounds good to me infact....who cares who performs it , if it gets ya goin'...listen to it..OHH...Chris Duarte is a must listen to...hehe...gotte advertise ya know...:oD
The Lord of the Rings (Even the Animated Versions... cant get better then that)....Harry Potter ....Star Wars (ofcourse)....I Robot....Resedent Evil ( I and II, maybe they make some more)....The Day after Tomorrow was pretty kuel....Heavy Metal ( Oldies but goodies )...and as always , to many to list....but then , i like a little of everything
well...i say YES...without it i couldent watch all the Movies ...could i now????
Isaac Asimov...Dean Koontz....Arthur C. Clark....Stephen King...Robert Doherty...Michael Chriton....Douglas Adams....Richard Bachman ...Philip Kerr....Christopher Paolini (fairly new still)....gawd..i could list many more....Anything Sci-Fi ,Fantasy or weird, send it my way...