Punk Rock, Programming, Computers, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Website Design, Artwork, Poetry, Photography, other Literary works.
So yea, I've been single for a while now. And I'm looking for someone else that wants to move past the "Highschool style dating" plateau. Be that to mean a long term relationship, just normal mature romantic dating, etc.I am at heart a complete romantic, I don't like to do shit if I'm not completely comfortable with it. (IE: Going to a new bar)I think awkward silence is the perfect time to rattle off a joke.I think judgemental people should be forced onto a small island where everyone is forced to have plastic surgery so they look "judgable", that way noone will feel comfortable and they'll either learn not to judge people, or they'll kill eachother.I am NOT religious at all. I tried the religion thing and its not for me. I go to church for christmas to support my mom and show her that I do care about her, even if I disagree with the whole church thing. (She sings)I was an Eagle Scout in the Boy scouts of America.Oh, and I'm a Geek Squad agent @ Precinct 547 (Harrisburg).Sex isn't the most important part of a relationship, if you want to find the right person, make sure you can carry on a conversation about nothing. If you can break into a strange new dance that you make up in your heads while talking, all the better.And N8 wants everyone to know that I'm the god damned juggernaut bitch...
Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, MXC, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Dragonball, Everybody Loves Raymond, Drew FUCKING Carey show.