There's some things that I regret.
Some words I wish had gone unsaid.
Some starts, that had some bitter endings.
Been some bad times I've been through.
Damage I cannot undo.
Some things, I wish I could do all over again.
But it don't really matter...
When life gets that much harder;
It makes you that much stronger.
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,
Lessons learned.
There's mistakes that I have made.
Some chances I just threw away.
Some roads I never should've taken.
Been some signs I didn't see.
Hearts that I hurt needlessly.
Some wounds that I wish
I could have one more chance to mend.
But it don't make no difference.
The past can't be rewritten.
You get the life you're given.
All the things that break you,
Are all the things that make you strong.
You can't change the past, cause it's gone,
And you just gotta move on, because it's all:
Lessons learned.
Every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night,
Every change, life has thrown me...
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart,
I'm grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned.
READ my whole page before you decide to add me.
If I don't know you,
I would STRONGLY suggest a message before a friend request,
or you will most likely be denied.
I'm not doing so because I want to be a bitch,
but if I don't know you,
I'd like to know your intentions prior to letting you into my life.
Sounds fair to me.
Moving along...
My name is:
Colleen --
A level headed person who always makes the wrong decision
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?'
I'm 21, but I feel a decade older.
I live in
New Hampshire.
This guy has nothing to do with my life, but he makes me smile a lot.
I’m extremely passionate about anything I do.
I put fourth 110% into absolutely everything in my life.
My pug OWNS all.
I'm in college for Criminal Justice,
and I have recently been accepted to be in
a national honor society because of my 4.0 average.
Hello scholarships galore!
Basically I am a wicked nerd when it comes to school.
As soon as I graduate, (2008 baby!) I am starting out as a corrections officer. I can't wait!
But I might end up just becoming a Viking
because you don't have to go to school for that.
I work at
for now to pay the bills until I graduate.It's yowza-rific!
My friends mean the whole world to me.
I absolutely love these girls.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
I'm like no other person you will ever meet.
I have a very STRONG personality,
Which you'll either love or hate.
Love to hate me or hate to love me.
But I strongly believe,
"It's better to be hated for who you are,
Then loved for who you are not."
In other words, if you are going to give me shit for being me:
"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter,
and those who matter don't mind."
-Dr. Seuss-
Chances are, I will make fun of myself before you get the opportunity to.
That way when you decide to talk shit, you'll look like an idiot stealing my jokes.
Here's a little more, if you care to know...
____________________________________________________________ ____
People think she complains a lot,
but she really just isn't afraid to say whats on her mind
Has the same smirk in every picture
Very focused on school and work
Irish, Italian and Scottish
Believes in second chances...sometimes a third and a fourth too
Can't spell for the life of her and hates it when people think that she isn't smart because of it
Asks too many questions
Was home schooled, yet has always, and still does, lead an amazing social life
Has a very unusual fear of eggs caught in beards because of Lumberjacks and Santa Clause
Will try anything once, except for new foods
Dances like no one is watching
Sings like no one is listening
Has an unhealthy obsession with gambling at arcades and roll-a-bingo
Still uses bumpers when going bowling
Text messages rock her world
Wishes she could go back to when the biggest disappointment in life,
was not being able to beat a level on a video game
Can burp louder and longer then anyone
Over exaggerates letters like thiiiiiiiiis
Uses "..." far too often for anyones liking.
Has ate two chocolate frosted dough nuts every day of her life since she was in kindergarten
Knows all the words to Gangsters Paradise & is not ashamed of it
Overly emotional
Obsessed with taking pictures
Not a lush...really!
Would prefer a hand written note or card over a diamond ring
Lives for good quotes
Favorite season is the Summer, yet loves to be in the freezing cold
Doesn't have a particular "style".
Sometimes dresses like a prep, sometimes like a punk ass bitch, sometimes even wears her pajamas out.
Falls too fast and too hard
Almost nothing can make her blush or be embarrassed
Says she is "hot shit" or "rocks harder then anyone" sarcastically,
but people mistake it into thinking she's way into herself
Curses like a truck driver...favorite word is "fuck"
Sometimes writes in third person
Has the worst memory in the world, but will never forget you once you have stepped in her life
____________________________________________________________ __
Bored? Lonely? Horny?...
That horny party was a joke...
or was it?
Well, if so, I absolutely LOVE pictures!
Capturing memories, and re-living them.
So here are 2 very random videos & slide shows.
Plus some links to my photo albums.
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Melissa's 22nd and my 21st b days!
St.Patrick's Day 2007
For all PARTY picture insanity Click HERE .
For all BAR picture insanity Click HERE .
Can't get enough of me, just Click HERE .
For Beach Nights, 2007 Click HERE .
For pictures of my friends and I, just Click HERE .
For pictures from my 19th birthday, just Click HERE .