~:+:Va11oRy:+:~ profile picture


Thr33 hugs*2 kizzes*1 Luv3

About Me

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts *byAlecia* Myspace Layouts
~*Wassup every*1 here"s a lil 411 about me...My name Vallory if you dont already kno I just turned 24*Lyfe is going great right now!Livin in sparks and luvin it!I started back at school this semester trying to finish. I have my 2 year degree going back to get my BA.I want to become a teacher either in general/special ed i luv all kids!I have my own lil soilder hes 9 months now i luv being a mom and its so much fun watching him grow everyday!Hes my everything!Me and his daddy are trying to get our shyte st8n out right now for us and for him so im not lookin for luv i have mine! I dont got time for bullshyte, dont have sympathy fo ppl who try to fuck me over either.You have a problem wit me, take it up wit me dun run yo mouth talkin shyte out yo neck. Wassup too all my homegurlz and homeboyz up on here got nothin but homie luv fo all ya...if you see me around town yo ass betta holla...mucho amor~1

My Interests

((Basic Info))
Name::: .:VaLlOrY if yOu kNoE mE ThA wElL tHen U kNoE mUh LaSt Name
Hair Color::: .:Light brown:.
Eye Color::: .:Hazel:.
Age::: .: 23 almost 24:.
Birthday::: .:Jan*22~1984:.
Food::: .:LuV ShRiMp
Song::: .:RiGhT nOw ItZ thZ sOnG oN mUh PaGe:.
Color::: .:BlU*piNk:.
Number::: .:lUcKy NuMbEr 7*22:.
Website::: .:cPiXEL*mYsPaCe:.
Movie::: .:hAvEnT wAtChD MoVIeZ LaTelY:.
Magazine::: .:CoSmO:.
Actor::: .:AdAm SaNdLr:.
Actress::: .:SaNdrA bUlLoCk*HalLey BaReY:.
Book::: .:HaVeNt ReAd Ne LaTeLy:.
Greatest Fear::: .:IlL neVeR lOoSe mUh PrEgNaNcY wEigHt:.
Screen Name::: .:x3brwnidsugax3:.
Bedtime::: .:WhEneVeR:.
Current Location::: .:MuH mOmZ hOuSe N SpArKZz:.
Most Embarrassing Moment::: .:ReCeNtLy I TrIpPd On MuH hIlLz dUriN NeW YeaRzz:.
Best Friend::: .:GoT lOtZ of gOod FrEndZ LaCeY oNe oF em:.
Weakness::: .:SwEeT tAlk*SmOkN*:.
First Thought When You Wake Up::: .:DaYuMZ Is BabY sTiLl SleEpN:.
((This Or That))
Pepsi Or Coke::: .:Water dun DrnK SoDa:.
Chocolate Or Vanilla::: .:Vanilla:.
Day Or Night::: .:EvEniNg:.
Hamburger Or Hot Dog::: .:HAwT dAwGz:.
Love Or Money::: .:LuV:.
Looks Or Personality::: .:PeRsoNaLiTy:.
Summer Or Winter::: .:FaLL:.
Hugs Or Kisses::: KiSsES mUah!
Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out::: .:RoMaNtIc nIghT:.
Coffee Or Tea::: .:Chi Tea:.
Hot Or Cold::: .:WaRm:.
Sunny Or Rainy::: .:I lyKe CloUdY:.
Dogs Or Cats::: .:NoNe:.
((Have You Ever))
Been In Love::: .:YuPz Im StIlL iN lUv MuH lUv WiLl NeVeR gO aWay:.
Danced In The Rain::: .:YuPz dAnCed To mUh CaR tO geT ouT of THa RaiN:.
Been Kissed::: .:Of KouRse mauH!
Toilet Papered Someone's House::: Nopez
Cheated On A Test::: .:DuH:.
Been Beaten Up::: .:NaH nO1 HaSs HaD tHa ChaNce Yet
Bullied Someone::: .:Ya I knoe it bad but everyone has done it
Smoked::: .:of kourse imma smoker wit bad habbits
Drank::: .:of kourse specially on new years dayumz
Done Drugs::: .:nah hugs not drugs:.
Had Sex::: .:of kourse thats how i got muh lil one:.
Gone Bungee Jumping::: .:nah tha onlee thing ive done is that thing at tha grand sierra:.
Gone Camping::: .:Yupz many tymez:.
Stayed Up All Night::: .:yupz done that cuple tymez:.
Skipped School::: .:Ya maybe once or twice:.
Been On A Plane::: .:yupz:.
Cheated On Someone::: .:Nah but tha fucked up thing is ppl cheated on me before in tha past wit ugly bitches in
Been Cheated On::: jus like above question
Sang In The Shower::: Ya
Smiled For No Reason::: .:Ya when im drunk hahaha:.
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny::: .:Oh ya done that cuple tymez:.
Had A Pillow Fight::: .:Yupz :.
Broken A Bone::: .:nah:.
Wished Upon A Star::: .:Yupz:.
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves::: .:of kourse i luv fall:.
Gone Surfing::: .:nah but wouldnt mind trying it :.
Sat On Your Rooftop::: .:Yupz one year for 4th of july:.
Written A Song::: .:nah not that creative:.
((Finish The Sentence))
I Am::: .:a wonderful mom:.
I Wish::: .:Me and baby daddy would get our shit st8n out and have everything work out for us:.
Life Is::: .:is great when your watching your baby grow everyday:.
My First Kiss::: .:was great:.
Babies Are::: .wonderful and beautiful:.
Sometimes I Can Be::: .:a bitch but thats onlee if you piss me off:.
I Really Want To::: loose weight before summer:.
I Love::: Joshua hes my everything:.
This Survey Was::: .:it was ight wasnt too long:.
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Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts