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Banjo Roots

From Africa to the New World

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The MP3s presented here come from a variety of sources. For more information and credits, please check out our play list in the "Sounds Like" section of the left column of this page. Enjoy!

The Old Plantation . Anonymous folk painting, South Carolina, c.1777-1794. ( The Abbey Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum , Colonial Williamsburg , VA)

The oldest and most detailed depiction of an early 4-string gourd banjo in North America. The 4-string configuration-- three long strings and one top short 'thumb string'-- was the most commonly documented on early gourd banjos throughout the New World. The earliest descriptions of the 4-string configuration come down to us from the French Antilles in the 1690s. The 4-string gourd-bodied instrument was the principal form of the early banjo until the emergence of the wood-rim 5-string banjo in the United States in the early 1840s.

For more information on this wonderful painting and what it can tells us as the earliest visual chronicle of African American music and dance in North America, please see Shlomo Pestcoe 's blog on this site: The Old Plantation: A Banjo Roots Perspective .

Illustration Plate 69, Musical Instruments of the African Negroes [of Suriname ]. From Captain John Gabriel Stedman's Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, from 1772 to 1777 (1796). Depicted in the upper right corner is an early 4-string gourd banjo, the Creole Bania: "This instrument has but four strings, three long and one short." When he returned to Holland in 1777, Stedman brought back an actual Creole Bania (see the left hand column on this page). It's currently in the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, Holland) making it the world's oldest banjo. ( The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record , Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and The University of Virginia Library )

Banjo Beginnings: The Early Gourd Banjo

An African American Instrument of West African Heritage

"This instrument is the invention of, and was brought here by the African Negroes...."

-- John Luffman, A Brief Account of the Island of Antigua (1789)

The story of the banjo begins in the Caribbean in the late 17th century. This is when the first documentation appears in the historical record of enslaved Africans and African Americans making and playing unique plucked spike lutes with drum-like gourd bodies and fretless necks.

The instruments were strikingly similar to the many different traditional plucked spike lutes with gourd or calabash bodies still found throughout West Africa today. This is especially true of those which, like the early African Caribbean plucked spike lutes, have full-spike necks-- that is, the given lute's stick neck extends the full length of its body to either pass over or pierce through the body's tail end. Another feature shared by both the early African Caribbean instruments and West African full-spike plucked lutes is a 'floating' (movable) string bridge that rests on the given instrument's skin 'head' (soundtable).In terms of extant West African traditional instruments that have all of these features, let's start off with a group of six very similar 3-string gourd-bodied folk lutes. Constituting a unique subgroup within the West African plucked spike lute family, they come from the Upper Guinea Coast region of Greater Senegambia (the eminent West African historian Boubacar Barry 's appellation for the historic lands that include present-day Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Mali, and Mauritania):

    The ekonting (akonting) of the Jola ( Casamance [southern Senegal], Gambia, Guinea-Bissau)The bunchundo of the Manjak (Guinea-Bissau, Gambia, Senegal)The n’gopata of the Bujogo (Bijago Islands [Guinea-Bissau])The busunde of the Papel (Guinea-Bissau)The kisinta and kusunde of the Balanta (Guinea-Bissau).

The Jola (also known as Joola, Diola, and Floup), Manjak (Manjaco, Manjago), Bujogo (Bijago), Papel, and Balanta are neighboring rice-farming peoples with similar cultures and social systems. Their traditional village-based agrarian societies are non-hierarchical, without the rigid tripartite caste system of their Mande, Wolof, and Fulbe (Fula, Fulani, Peul) neighbors. Consequently, these peoples have no griot* tradition nor do they have traditions of professional music-making and praise-singing. Amongst the Jola, Manjak, Bujogo, Papel, and Balanta, playing the lute-- like all other forms of music-making-- is a vernacular social activity open to all, rather than being the exclusive domain of specialist music/word artisans.

This being the case, the plucked spike lutes of these peoples are classified as folk lutes; that is, lutes played by vernacular 'folk' musicians for whom music-making is not a vocation. This is in sharp contrast to the music cultures of many other West African peoples in which playing plucked lutes is the purview of music/word artisans, be they griots* or non-griot professional/semi-professional musicians and praise-singers.

* The word griot (originally spelled guiriot, pronounced gree-oh) made its first appearance in the travelogue Relation du voyage du Cap-Verd (1637) by French missionary Alexis de Saint-Lô, recounting his travels in Senegal two years earlier. Ever since, griot has been used as a generic reference to a hereditary male music/word artisan. However, the term is only appropriate when referring specifically to male members of the middle artisan caste of the type of tripartite caste system shared by certain West African ethnic groups, such as the various Mande peoples (e.g. the Mandinka, Maninka, Bamana [Bambara], etc.) as well as the Wolof, Soninke, Songhai, Fulbe, and so on. Female members of griot families are called griottes; in terms of griot music, griottes are primarily vocalists rather than instrumentalists.

In the context of jeliya (griot tradition), plucked lutes are played exclusively by specialist male musicians from certain families. As a distinctive class of instruments, typical griot lutes are distinguished by having a narrow wooden body (either oblong or figure-8 shaped), a semi-spike neck (the lute's neck does not extend the full length of its body), and a fan-shaped bridge, inserted into the instrument's soundhole to slip unto the pointy end of its semi-spike neck. Here are just few examples of griot lutes: the 5-string xalam of the Wolof gewel (griot; a griot lutenist is called a xalamkat), the 4-string n'goni of the Bamana and Maninka jeli (plural, jeliw), the 4-string gambare of the Soninke gesere (plural, geserun) and the hoddu of the Fulbe bambaado (plural, wambaabe), which may have three to five strings.

Other examples of West African plucked spike lutes with full-spike necks and floating bridges include:

    The 5-string xalam gesere of the Mandinka jali (plural, jalolu; griot. Gambia). Like all griot lutes, the xalam gesere is played exclusively by jalolu (griots), employing the same typical techniques common to all griot lutenists (see below). It has the same string configuration as other 5-string griot lutes (e.g. the Wolof xalam of Senegal and Gambia): two longer melody strings of varying lengths (the 4th and 3rd strings) and three unstopped drone strings-- a long one (the 2nd string) and two short ones, the top 5th 'thumb string' (closest to the player's chest) and the 1st string (closest to the player's lap), the shortest of the three drones. American ethnomusicologist Michael T. Coolen , who did field work in Senegambia in the 1970s, reported a 4-string version of this instrument belonging to the Diawara of Mali called a kola-lemme. The popular 4-string configuration on many griot lutes is the same as the aforementioned 5-string configuration, minus the long drone string (the 2nd string in the 5-string configuration). However, it should be noted that both the xalam gesere and the kola-lemme are extremely rare instruments. While they're strung and played in typical griot fashion, they also have features not associated with standard griot lutes: i.e. a round gourd body, a full-spike neck, and a floating bridge that sits on the body's skin head.The 3-string calabash-bodied gullum of the Kilba (Nigeria)The 2-string gourd-bodied gurmi of the Hausa (Nigeria)The 2-string calabash-bodied gurumi of the Toubou (Niger)

At this point, it must be stressed that all of the above instruments are mentioned here only as examples of the type of plucked spike lute currently found in West Africa that must have inspired and informed the creation of the early gourd banjo in the West Indies back in the 17th century.

There are more than 50 different 'living' traditions of plucked spike lutes found throughout West Africa today. And that's just the ones we currently know of. Since 2000, ongoing research has revealed and continues to reveal previously unknown West African plucked lute traditions, as well as new information and perspectives on known traditions.

We cannot and will not assert that any one of these extant instruments is the West African ancestor of the banjo. There's simply not enough concrete information in the historical record to make that kind of call.

This being the case, modern research into the banjo’s roots must necessarily support and study all extant plucked spike lute traditions throughout West Africa as vital 'living links' that connect the New World instrument to its West African heritage.

Book illustration, African Caribbean string instruments in Jamaica, c. 1687. Sir Hans Sloane 's A Voyage to the Islands of Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christopher and Jamaica (1707). This is the first depiction of early gourd banjos, designated here as Strum-strumps. The bridges on both instruments are missing and they're only strung with two strings. However, each instrument has two holes on the upper portion of the fingerboard, perhaps to receive two additional pegs for strings. The instrument behind the strum-strump lutes is a harp-lute (also known as bridge-harp), a form of harp that's unique to West Africa. The wood-bodied harp-lute seen here is very similar to the seperewa of the Ashanti of Ghana. ( The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record , Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and The University of Virginia Library )

The earliest report found thus far of a banjo-like instrument in the Western hemisphere, 1678, appeared in the Histoire Generale des Antilles, of Adrien Dessalles, based on material found in the Archives Coloniales of the Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies in Paris. As early as May 4, 1654 the Conseil Souverain de Martinique issued an ordinance prohibiting "danses et assemblees de negres," a prohibition restated in 1678, this time specifically mentioning the kalenda, defined as "a gathering of Negroes where they dance in their own style all together to the sound of a drum and an instrument they call banza" (Dessalles 1847:111, 296-297). It seems at least possible that the banza had been known earlier than that date, accompanying the dances of the Negroes, but no earlier document mentioning it has been found.

-- Dena Epstein, The Folk Banjo: A Documentary History (Ethnomusicology, Volume 19, Number 3, September 1975)

Note: As Epstein makes clear in her seminal work Sinful Tunes & Spirituals: Black Folk Music to the Civil War ( University of Illinois Press , 1977 / 2003), first published two years after her 1975 article excerpted above, the earliest contemporary report of the banza in the Antilles actually comes down to us from 1698. Jean Baptiste Labat (1663-1738), a French Dominican monk who served as a missionary in France's Caribbean colonies from 1694 to 1709, noted in his journal that the slaves played a 4-string "espece de guitarre" ("kind of guitar") with a body made from half a calabash topped with a piece of animal skin. An entry by the mysterious 'le Romain' in the 1765 edition of the Encyclopédie identified these 4-string "guitars" of the slaves by using the term banza, marking the first time this designation appeared in print.

The first contemporary documentation of an early form of the gourd banjo was in Jamaica in September, 1687, by the British physician Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753). See the above illustration of the two 'Strum-strumps'.

Banza was the preferred term for the early gourd lute in the French and Spanish colonies. Yet, it certainly wasn't the only name for the instrument of the African Diaspora. Here is just a sampling:

    Strum-strump (Jamaica, 1687)Bangil (Barbados, 1708; Jamaica, 1739)Bangar (New York City, 1737, the earliest report of the banjo in North America)Strum-strum (Jamaica, 1740)Bonja (Maryland, 1748)Bangio (South Carolina, 1749)Banjo (Pennsylvania, 1749; Maryland and Virginia, 1774; North Carolina, 1787)Banshaw (St. Kitts, 1763)Creole Bania (Suriname, 1773-77)Banjar (Virginia, 1781; Antigua, 1788; Barbados, 1796)Bonjaw (Jamaica, 1823)

Though they differed in what they were called, these plucked spike lutes all shared certain structural characteristics:

    A drum-like gourd body (either round, oval, or teardrop-shaped) topped with a skin head (soundtable).It should be pointed out that there were instances when the given instrument's body was made from calabash ( Crescentia cujete ) rather than the more typical gourd( Lagenaria siceraria ). Case in point would be Stedman's Creole Bania (Suriname, c. 1773-1777), the world's oldest extant banjo (see the left column of this page).Wood-rim banjos-- that is, banjos with a 'pot' (body) made from thin wooden staves bent to form a hoop, sometimes made out of cheese boxes and grain measures-- were first documented in the United States in the early 1840s.A full-spike neck which ran under the head for the length of the gourd body to transcend over or pierce its tail end.The playing surface of the neck was a smooth flat fingerboard without frets.The tuning mechanisms to which the instrument's strings were affixed were usually wooden pegs.This is in sharp contrast to the New World banjo's West African ancestors. On West African lute-family string instruments-- such as plucked spike lutes and harp-lutes (bridge-harps)-- the given instrument's strings are tied to sliding tuning rings (made of either leather, cloth, or knotted cord) that are slid into place on the instrument's neck and held there by friction. On most of the many different single-string bowed spike lutes [fiddles] found throughout West Africa, the string may be affixed to the neck by means of a loop, but it's tuned by inserting a wedge underneath the lower end of the string.The early banjo's wooden tuning pegs reflect the influence of European lute-family string instruments, in particular those of Portugal and Spain.A floating (movable) string bridge—typically, bipedal-- which sat upright on the body’s skin head.

The Stedman Creole Bania. Suriname, South America, c.1773-1777.
( Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde [National Museum of Ethnology], Leiden, Holland)

The Early 4-String Gourd Banjo

From the 1690s on through the emergence of the wood-rim 5-string banjo in the early 1840s, the most commonly documented form of the early gourd banjo throughout the New World was an instrument with a 4-string configuration: three long strings of equal length with a short ‘thumb string’ as the top fourth string. While there were a few reports of early gourd banjos with three strings, most period descriptions refer to 4-string instruments.

We find all the aforementioned common design elements present in the only known extant 4-string early banjos: the Stedman Creole Bania (see above photo; for more information, see the Influences section of the left column on this page) and the Schoelcher Banza (see the photo below). The Creole Bania-- considered to be the oldest example of an early banjo and the only one known to have had a body made of calabash, rather than gourd -- was collected in the northeastern South American country Suriname (also formerly known as Dutch Guiana) by Captain John Gabriel Stedman (1744-1797), sometime between 1773 and 1777. French abolitionist writer Victor Schoelcher (1804-1893) acquired the Banza in Haiti during his 1840-41 sojourn through the Caribbean. Likewise, these features are evident in the instrument depicted in the The Old Plantation (anonymous folk painting, South Carolina, c.1777-1794), the oldest and most detailed depiction of an early 4-string gourd banjo in North America (see illustration above).

The short 'thumb string', in particular, is a feature that connects the banjo to its West African heritage. It's also found on West African plucked spike lutes like the Jola ekonting (akonting), the Bujogo ngopata , and the Manjak bunchundo as well as those lutes that are exclusive to specialist griot music artisans, such as the Bamana (Bambara)/ Maninka n'goni , the Wolof xalam, the Fulbe hoddu, and the Soninke gambare, to name but a few.

The Schoelcher Banza. Haiti, c. 1840-1841.
(Musée de la Musique, Cité de la Musique , Paris, France)

African American Construct: The Fusion of African & European Elements

Like all other manifestations of African Diasporic culture, the early gourd banjo did not come across the Atlantic from Africa 'as-is' and unadulterated. On the contrary, it was the product of a synthesis of African and European influences and admixtures. And that fusion of all the disparate elements that resulted in the emergence of the first banjos happened in the Caribbean, not Africa.

This being the case, the early gourd banjo was not an African import. Rather, it was an indigenous African American creation with deep West African roots.

As we've shown the early gourd banjo was specifically based on West African models. We see this in its drum-like body (typically made of gourd, but, occasionally, out of calabash), its fretless full-spike neck, and the short top 'thumb string'.

Yet, the early gourd banjo also incorporated several European-derived design features: namely, a flat fingerboard, wooden tuning pegs-- fitted into a distinct peghead-- and string nut (situated at the top of the fingerboard to facilitate the strings passing over to the peghead). The sources of inspiration for the adoption of these elements were, no doubt, the plucked lute/guitar-family instruments of Spain and Portugal that were brought to the New World, begiinning in the early 16th century.

By way of example, let's look at the vihuela (also biguela [Spanish] and viola or viola da mano [Portuguese, Italian]), a guitar-like instrument with a figure-8-shaped body. It had either ten strings arranged in five courses (pairs of strings), twelve strings in six courses, or fourteen strings in seven courses. The vihuela was documented throughout the Spanish and Portuguese colonies from the early 1500s on. Perhaps the earliest report of a European string instrument in the New World is that of a Spanish conquistadore playing the vihuela on horseback as part of the expedition that seized the island of Hispaniola in 1503. Nine years later, Alfonso Buenaño brought a vihuela with him to Spain's burgeoning colony of Puerto Rico. Around 1583, the Portuguese Jesuit missionary Fernão Cardim (1549-1625) reported that in Christianized villages in Brazil, Amerindians were being taught to play the viola (vihuela) in Jesuit-run 'singing schools'.

Other European and Iberian instruments to consider, to name but a few, include: the Western lute of the Renaissance Period (c. 14th - 17th centuries) and Baroque Period (c. 17th - early 18th centuries), the 4-course Renaissance guitar , the 5-course Baroque guitar , the Portuguese cavaquinho (also machete and braguinha) and the related tiple (literally, "treble;" also timple and guitarillo) of Spain and the Canary Islands with four or five strings. All of these, among others, contributed to the birth of the incredible variety of indigenous plucked lute and guitar family instruments found throughout Latin America and the Spanish Caribbean.

Looking over the various accounts of the early gourd banjo in the historical record, we can see that during the 18th century it had spread from the Caribbean to the Dutch colony of Suriname in northeastern South America and to the British colonies in North America that would eventually become the United States.

To the best of our research, the earliest evidence of the early gourd banjo in North America comes from New York City in 1737. In March of that year, a piece in John Peter Zenger 's New-York Weekly Journal described Africans and African Americans dancing to the music of the bangar and drums during a Pinkster celebration in the "Commons" fields just outside of the city limits of New York in southern Manhattan . Eleven years later, a runaway slave advertisement in the Annapolis Maryland Gazette for "a Negro Fellow called Toby" stated that Toby took with him when he ran "a new fiddle" and a "a Bonja, on both which he at times plays."

By the turn of the 19th century, the instrument had also made it to the southernmost section of the French and Spanish colony of Lower Louisiana , what is today the state of Louisiana. In 1819, Benjamin Henry Latrobe (1764-1820)-- the celebrated architect who designed the White House and Capitol building in Washington, D.C.-- was visiting New Orleans. On a Sunday he happened on the regular weekly "assembly of Negroes" in New Orleans' Common, known to posterity as Congo Square :
Approaching the common I heard a most extraordinary noise.... I found... a crowd of 5 or 600 persons assembled in an open or public square.... They were formed into circular groups in the midst of four of which... was a ring, the largest not 10 feet in diameter. In the first were two women dancing. They held each a coarse handkerchief extended by the corners in their hands, & set to each other in a miserably dull & slow figure, hardly moving their feet or bodies. The music consisted of two drums and a stringed instrument... which no doubt was imported from Africa. On the top of the finger board was the rude figure of a Man in a sitting posture, and two pegs behind him to which the strings were fastened. The body was a Calabash. It was played upon by a very old man, apparently 80 or 90 Years old.

In Latrobe's description of the "stringed instrument... which no doubt was imported from Africa" he had observed, Latrobe specified that "on the top of the finger board was the rude figure of a Man in a sitting posture, and two pegs behind him to which the strings were fastened." This would seem to imply that it was a 2-string instrument. However, in Latrobe's sketch of the lute, on the same journal page as the excerpt quoted above, he clearly shows the instrument as having three long strings of equal length.

Banjo Evolution

From the Gourd-Bodied 4-String Banjo to the Wood-Rim 5-String Banjo

As we've shown, the early gourd banjo was documented in the Caribbean, Suriname, and the aforementioned North American colonies. We have to marvel and wonder at how the instrument-- more specifically, the 4-string form of it-- was disseminated so extensively to such far-flung places in the 18th century.

It seems most likely that the principal means of dissemination was the slave trade between the colonies. There were instances in which slaves 'seasoned' in the Caribbean were preferable to those 'fresh off the boat' from Africa. As the early gourd banjo originated and evolved in the Caribbean, it stands to reason that the instrument spread throughout the colonial New World on ships which sailed from West Indian ports, rather than those coming straight from West Africa.

Up until the early 19th century, the early gourd banjo had been an African American folk instrument, made and played exclusively by black vernacular musicians. This began to change in the 1830s when white popular stage and circus performers in the United States began to adopt the 4-string gourd banjo and the stroke style down-picking playing technique, learned from African American banjoists. As they typically donned blackface makeup in crude parody of their 'Ethiopian' sources, these European American performers became known as blackface minstrels.

The 1840s marked a major watershed in the evolution of the banjo. In the first years of the decade, the 4-string gourd-bodied instrument gave way to a new form, the 5-string banjo with a wood-rim 'pot' (body). And it was the 5-string banjo that was thrust unto the world stage on February 6, 1843 with the first public performance of The Virginia Minstrels at New York City's famed Bowery Amphitheatre. Their debut marked the transition of the minstrels from being minor side acts in traveling circuses to commanding top billing in popular theaters as troupes performing full-blown variety shows. It also established the combination of fiddle, 5-string banjo, tambourine, and bones (clappers) as the standard instrumentation of the 'minstrel line'.

In May of 1843, the troupe arrived in England to debut their unique minstrel show format at London's prestigious Adelphi Theatre on June 19. This marked the arrival of minstrelsy as America's first homegrown pop music form to become a global craze. As a result, the banjo was embraced overseas and became a world-class instrument. This was especially true in Britain, where the banjo became a central fixture of early British pop from the 1840s on through the early 20th century.

An anonymous folk painting from the early 19th century depicting a gourd banjo player accompanying a jig dancer. (Collection of Roddy & Sally Moore)

The banjo player seen here is clearly down-picking, the oldest documented technique for playing the banjo.

Another interesting thing to note here is the fact that the dancer is depicted as dancing on a board called a 'shingle'. Thomas F. DeVoe, in The Market Book: A History of the Public Markets of the City of New York (1862), described slaves from Long Island using 'shingles' when they danced in Lower Manhattan at Catherine Market on Catherine Slip, prior to the abolition of slavery in New York State in 1827: "Being several together in parties, each had his particular 'shingle' brought with him as part of his stock and trade. This board was usually about five or six feet long, of large width, with its particular spring in it, and to keep it in its place while dancing on it, it was held down by one on each end."

Down-Picking The Banjo: A West African Legacy

The banjo's West African heritage is also evident in the traditional playing techniques that have come down to us from the instrument's early days. This is especially true of down-picking, the earliest documented banjo playing style.

Down-picking is the playing technique that the first European American banjo players initially learned from African American musicians in the early 19th century. Referred to as stroke style, it was the most prevalent form of playing the 5-string banjo until the advent of the guitar style of up-picking in the late 1860s. (In some period banjo literature, up-picking was also called finger-picking, the term we use nowadays.) Nineteenth century stroke style has survived to this very day in the folk traditions of both the black and white communities of the rural South, where it's commonly referred to as frailing, clawhammer, thumping, and so on.

In down-picking (also referred to as down-stroking), the melody is played by the fingernail of a single finger (either the index or middle finger) striking one of the given instrument's long strings in a downward motion, like a plectrum. The 'down-picked' string is a melody string that's noted by the fingers of the player's other hand 'stopping' the string at various points along its length to produce different notes. This action is immediately followed by the player's thumb catching on the top short 'thumb string' to create a rhythmic back-beat accompaniment. In some forms of down-picking, the thumb also comes down to pluck one of the longer strings in a technique Pete Seeger dubbed drop-thumbing.

Gambian Jola folklorist/musician Daniel Laemouahuma Jatta playing his people's folk lute, the ekonting (akonting), Stockholm, Sweden, 1999. Behind him is a print of The Banjo Player (1856) by America's first noted genre painter William Sidney Mount (1807-1868) of Setauket, Long Island (New York). Here we can see that both Daniel and the banjo player depicted in the painting are down-picking their instruments. Daniel is using oo'teck , the traditional Jola technique for playing the ekonting, while the banjo player employs stroke style , the earliest documented form of playing the 5-string banjo. For a comparative analysis of these two forms of down-picking, please check out Greg C. Adams ' blog: Starting A Conversation-- Early Banjo & West African Ekonting Playing Techniques . (Photo by Ulf Jägfors )

The latest findings of recent field research indicate that the down-picking playing technique probably originated in West Africa. It's the primary playing style for several West African plucked lutes such as the Jola ekonting (also akonting. Casamance [southern Senegal], Gambia, Burkina Faso), the Bujogo ngopata (Guinea-Bissau), and the Dogon konou (Mali). In Senegal and Gambia, some Wolof griot lute players, known as xalamkats, also use down-picking in place of or in addition to the standard griot 2-finger up-picking technique for playing their xalam lutes. Likewise, single-string griot lutes (e.g. the Mande/Tukulor molo, the Songhai jurkel [Burkina Faso] and n'jurkel [Mali]) are generally down-picked.

Down-picking is also used to play theguinbri (also known as the sintir or hajhuj), the 3-string plucked lute of the Gnawa of North Africa, primarily Morocco and Algeria. The Gnawa are a North African Muslim brotherhood-- as well as a distinct ethnic group with its own language-- made up of descendants of slaves and soldiers brought across the Sahara from West Africa. Tradition has it that the guinbri-- the principal instrument in Gnawa music-- is West African in origin. Similarly, descendants of the Sudan Tunis (West African slaves and mercenaries brought across the Sahara to Tunisia) also play a 3-string plucked lute of West African heritage called the gombri . It's distinguished by having a very large round cylindrical body literally made from an old drum. Like the Gnawa guinbri, the gombri is down-picked.

A Wolof griot xalamkat (literally, "lute player). Dakar, Senegal, c.1905.
(Collection of Shlomo Pestcoe )

2-Finger Up-Picking: Another West African-Rooted Banjo Technique

Up-picking (more commonly referred to as finger-picking) is any technique in which the fingers of the playing hand pluck upwards. The thumb is the one exception to this rule as it invariably plucks in downward motion.

(Note: In some up-picking styles, one or all the playing fingers may also brush down all the strings in a downward strum as an immediate follow-up to the up-picking action. This downward brushing strum should not be confused with down-picking, the very different technique described above.)

In the context of 5-string banjo playing, there are distinct traditions of 2-finger (thumb and index finger) and 3-finger (thumb, index, and middle finger) up-picking. Originally referred to as 'guitar-style', 3-finger up-picking eventually supplanted 'stroke-style' down-picking as the most prevalent technique for playing the 5-string banjo from the late 1860s on. With the emergence of the 5-string banjo's Classic Era (c. 1880 -1920) and the classical music-oriented 'artistic' or 'concert' banjo style, 3-finger up-picking predominated among banjo players the world over.

Sometimes maligned as a 'bastardization' of its more illustrious 3-finger sibling, 2-finger banjo up-picking is actually a traditional folk technique. Since at least the late 19th century, it has been found primarily in the rural South in a diversity of distinctive regional traditions and idiosyncratic approaches, the same as 3-finger up-picking and down-picking.

Across the Atlantic ocean in West Africa, 2-finger up-picking, in various forms, is perhaps the most common technique for finger-playing plucked lutes. Examples of different ethnic traditions that employ 2-finger up-picking include the 3-string gourd-bodied bunchundo of the Manjak (Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Gambia); the 2-string calabash-bodied gurumi of the Toubou (Niger); and the 2-string gourd-bodied gurmi and the 3-string wooden-bodied molo (also tafashe) of the Hausa (Nigeria).

2-finger up-picking is also the principal technique for playing griot lutes , a unique subgroup within the West African lute family. Exclusive to specialist griot musicians, examples include the Bamana (Bambara) ngoni , the Wolof xalam, the Fulbe hoddu, and the Soninke gambare, among others.

It's important to note that in the context of griot 2-finger up-picking this technique is primarily used on instruments with three or more strings. The most typical string configurations on griot lutes are 3-string (two long stopped melody strings and a short open drone string), 4-string (two long melody strings and two short drone strings-- the top fourth 'thumb string' and the first string [closest to the player's lap], which is the shortest of the two), and 5-string (the same as the 4-string configuration but with the addition of an additional unstopped long drone as its second string). There are also single-string variants, on the one hand, an versions with seven or more strings (typically, variations on the 4-string and 5-string configurations that incorporate the doubling up of the principal strings in courses [pairs]), on the other. Single-string griot lutes like the Mande and Tukulor molo and the Songhai jurkel are usually down-picked.

The standard griot approach to 2-finger up-picking is the index finger leading off by plucking upwards on a long melody string, immediately followed by the thumb catching the top string. The index finger usually completes this sequence by brushing up-and-down the strings in a flicking motion. As griot lute players are specialist music artisans by definition, naturally, each musician adapts and enhances the basic standard picking pattern with variations and flourishes to create his own 'signature' style. Typical griot 'tricks-of-the-trade' include percussively tapping the instrument's skin 'head' to punctuate musical phrases and augmenting the fundamental thumb and index finger picking pattern with the third finger brought in on occasion to pluck the first string. Sometimes down-picking is also incorporated into the standard 2-finger up-picking pattern. Typically, it's used intermittently to emphasize certain melodic passages.

Non-griot styles of 2-finger up-picking are pretty much similar to the basic griot approach described. In all likelihood, the popular West African 2-finger up-picking palmwine style of playing the guitar-- first introduced in the early 1900s, disseminated by Kru sailors from Liberia up-and-down the West African coast-- was inspired and informed by these traditional lute techniques. This is suggested by the fact that in Nigeria the immediate forebear of the later guitar-based pop forms of palmwine, juju and highlife music was sakara, an Yoruba urban pop style of the early 20th century, founded on traditional instrumentation, with the 3-string wooden-bodied duru (sometimes referred to by the term molo, the appellation of the similar Hausa plucked lute) as the lead instrument. Like the Hausa molo, the Yoruba duru is also played by 2-finger up-picking.

An African American banjoist employing 2-finger up-picking, c. 1865. (Collection of James F. Bollman ) From America's Instrument: The Banjo in the Nineteenth Century (1999) by Philip F. Gura and James F. Bollman .

The striking similarities between traditional West African 2-finger up-picking styles and those found in American old-time 5-string banjo traditions-- especially those 2-finger up-picking styles with an index finger lead-- indicate a strong connection. Evidence in the historical record suggests that early African American banjoists were employing 2-finger up-picking as well as the more prevalent down-picking technique that the first European American banjo players picked up from them in the 1830s and '40s and popularized as 'stroke style'.

Frank Converse (1837-1903)-- a leading early 5-string banjoist whose New & Complete Method for the Banjo With or Without a Master (1865) heralded the transition from 'stroke style' down-picking to 'guitar-style' 3-finger up-picking-- offers us a tantalizing eyewitness account of African American 2-finger banjo up-picking prior to 1850. As a boy growing up in the Upstate New York town of Elmira, Converse's first exposure to the banjo was provided by an itinerant black banjoist who frequently 'busked' on Elmira's streets. As Converse later recalled, the street performer's playing technique was "limited to the thumb and first finger-- pulling or 'picking' the strings with both." 'Pulling' was Converse's term for up-picking. Clearly what he was describing was 2-finger up-picking.

At the turn of the 20th century, as the guitar was making inroads into African American communities throughout the South, the various local 2-finger up-picking styles used to play the 5-string banjo were most likely transferred to the new instrument. This may account for the prevalence of 2-finger up-picking among African American ragtime and blues guitarists from the early 1900s on.

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The Banjo Roots Network

This site is the first of the Banjo Roots Network, a projected series of related sites on MySpace that will explore the many different aspects of the history of the banjo family of plucked lutes as well as share the latest findings of recent banjo roots research. The Banjo Roots Network is a 'work-in-progress' being created and hosted by Shlomo Pestcoe and Greg C. Adams . Our hope is that it will serve as a springboard for future collaborations between researchers within the banjo community as well as scholars working in different, but related disciplines.

Please be sure to visit our sister sites:

    Akonting: A Link to the Banjo's West African HeritageBanjo Roots: West Africa (under construction)

This is a very rare video of the late Scott Didlake (1948-1994), the pioneering gourd banjo builder/scholar who sparked the contemporary gourd banjo revival. He also was a leading seminal advocate of more extensive research to uncover the banjo's obscured roots in the African Diaspora and West Africa. Here Scott is giving an impromptu talk on these topics as a participant in the panel of the gourd banjo workshop-- along with with Mike Seeger (right) and Clarke Buehling (left)-- during the historic 1992 Tennessee Banjo Institute. This video was shot by the late Theo Lissenberg (Haarlem, Netherlands) and edited by Ulf Jägfors (Stockholm, Sweden). It's published on Ulf's YouTube site , devoted to videos on banjo roots-- especially his field recorded videos shot in West Africa of traditional string instruments-- with the kind permission of Carrie Didlake.

West African Jola musician Jo Diatta (Jatta) plays his people's folk lute, the ekonting (akonting). He down-picks, using the traditional Jola playing technique called oo'teck, which is very similar to 19th century stroke style, the oldest documented style of playing the banjo, and the folk variants of stroke style--clawhammer, frailing, thumping, etc. Originally from Youtou in Casamance (southern Senegal, West Africa), Joe performs "Ampa Youtou" (Child of Youtou), a traditional song from his home village, with family and friends. His brother Paul Diatta is heard singing, off-camera, later in the film-- first in falsetto, then in his natural voice. Dakar, Senegal, 7/06.

This video was shot and edited by Swedish banjo historian Ulf Jägfors . To see Ulf's other field-recorded videos of traditional West African music and dance, please visit:

For more information, please visit the following sites:

    Akonting: A Link to the Banjo's West African HeritageAIM for Africa Akonting/Banjo Collaborative . A partnership and cultural exchange program between Florida arts and health care organizations, on the one hand, and The Akonting Center for Senegambian Folk Music (Mandinary, Gambia) and the Royal Victorian Teaching Hospital (Banjul, Gambia), on the other. It was initiated in 2007 by Chuck Levy , a Florida physican and prize-winning old-time banjoist and fiddler.Starting A Conversation: Looking At The Parallels Between Early Banjo "Stroke Style" & Jola Ekonting "Oo'teck" Down-Picking

Banjoist Lew Snowden (1848-1923). Knox County, Ohio, c. 1870. From Way Up North in Dixie: A Black Family's Claim to the Confederate Anthem (1993) by Howard L. Sacks and Judith Rose Sacks

Banjo History & Banjo Roots Research

At the dawn of the 20th century, the American Guild of Banjoists, Mandolinists and Guitarists proudly proclaimed:

The modern banjo is known throughout the world as the product of America, and as its National Musical Instrument.

This was written at the height of the 5-string banjo's "Classic Era" (c.1880-1920), the instrument's "Golden Age." Attaining the status of a world-class popular instrument, the 5-string banjo had made its way into the parlors and music rooms of the middle and upper classes as well as onto the "legitimate" concert stage. At the same time, modern banjo family instruments were also being absorbed into vernacular ethnic/regional musical cultures and traditions not only throughout North America, but also the Caribbean, the British Isles, and other lands the world over.

Yet, in terms of general public awareness, it was also during this period that the banjo's African and African American heritage was obscured to the point of being nearly forgotten.

In recent decades, a growing number of scholars and musicians have focused their research on the early history of the banjo, its birth in the Caribbean, and its deep roots in West Africa. This contemporary banjo roots community follows the path first blazed by Pete Seeger , the leading pioneer of the Folk Revival of the 1950s and '60s, as well as the attendant resurgence of interest in the 5-string banjo .

In his seminal work, How to Play the 5-String Banjo (1948, 1955, 1961), the first instruction book for the instrument in modern times, Seeger, with one brief statement, reasserted its African and African American ancestry:

Negro slaves brought the first banjoes over here; before that the origin is disputed.

Seeger challenged his readers to take it upon themselves to investigate the banjo's long-lost roots:

The historically minded might like to pursue this matter further.

This has intrigued generations of aspiring banjoists the world over, inspiring quite a few to delve deeper into the banjo's history to learn more of its little known heritage.

Parallel with this burgeoning awareness amongst banjoists was the emerging trend in the field of musicology to expand the scope of the study of the origins and evolution of African American music to include its sources in sub-Sahara Africa. Groundbreaking scholars of this trend include Paul Oliver , Eileen Southern , David Evans , Gerhard Kubik , and Samuel Charters to name but a few.

Dena Epstein was the first scholar to seriously research and document evidence in the historical record of the banjo's African Diasporic origins and West African heritage. Her work paralleled and complemented pioneering efforts to trace the history and culture of the banjo in the 19th century by Hans Nathan, Robert Winans , Elias Kaufman , Lowell H. Schreyer , Michael I. Holmes , Robert Lloyd Webb , James Bollman , and Philip Gura , among others. Furthermore, Epstein's vital trailblazing efforts have inspired the work of contemporary banjo historian/folklorists like Art Rosenbaum , Cecelia "Cece" Conway , Scott Odell and Bob Carlin .

The banjo roots community today represents the confluence of all these different disciplines, trends, and perspectives. While contemporary researchers work independently and pursue their own lines of research, they come together within the community to share and exchange ideas and formation. Collaborative endeavors like this site provide a platform for public outreach and the dissemination of the latest findings on early banjo history and related living traditions found throughout Africa, the Americas, and the Caribbean.


The Stedman Creole Bania
Suriname, South America, c.1773-1777.
( Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde
[National Museum of Ethnology],
Leiden, Holland)

The above instrument is considered to be the oldest example of an early banjo. It was thought to have been collected in the northeastern South American country of Suriname (also formerly known as Dutch Guiana) by Captain John Gabriel Stedman (1744-1797), sometime between 1773 and 1777. During this period, Captain Stedman served with Colonel Louis Henry Fourgeoud's military expeditionary force, made up of foreign "volunteers," sent from Holland to subdue "revolted Negroes" during the Dutch colony's First Boni Maroon War (1768-1777).

In addition to the instrument he brought back, Stedman also documented and illustrated the Creole Bania in his book, Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, from 1772 to 1777 (London, 1796):

The Creole-Bania... is like a mandoline or guitar, being made of a half gourd covered with a sheep-skin, to which is fixed a very long neck or handle. This instrument has but four strings, three long and one short, which is thick, and serves for a bass; it is played by the fingers, and has a very agreeable sound, but more so when accompanied by a song.

Stedman completed the book's manuscript in 1790 but it was not published until 1796. Much to Stedman's chagrin, what came off the presses in 1796 was a heavily edited version of his original handwritten manuscript and his eighty-one illustrations "design'd from Nature on the Spot." The edition currently available is a corrected abridgment by Richard and Sally Price , entitled Stedman's Surinam: Life in an Eighteenth-Century Slave Society. An Abridged, Modernized Edition of Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam (The John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, 1992).

The Prices are renowned anthropologists/historians who were among the leading pioneers of modern research into Maroon history and culture (the Maroons are communities throughout the Caribbean and Latin America founded by escaped and rebel African slaves) and African Diaspora culture in general. They're also the foremost experts on John Stedman and the African and Creole slave and Maroon cultures he encountered and documented in Suriname. Their edition of Narrative is based on Stedman's original handwritten manuscript, completed in 1790, as well as the journal he kept during his tour of duty in Suriname. This being the case, Stedman's Surinam more accurately reflects the actual book Stedman wrote and intended to publish.

Back in 1979, Richard and Sally Price were also responsible for the rediscovery of Stedman's Creole Bania in the collections of Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde [National Museum of Ethnology] in Leiden (Holland). Their extensive examination of the instrument revealed that its body was made of calabash ( Crescentia cujete ) rather than the more typical gourd ( Lagenaria siceraria ).

Detail, Plate 69, Musical Instruments of
the African Negroes [of Suriname].

It should be noted that there's a possibility that the instrument which Richard and Sally Price identified as the Stedman Creole Bania back in 1979 may, in fact, be another instrument collected in Suriname in the early 19th century, the Kuhn Banja. Like the Stedman Creole Bania, the existence of the Kuhn Banja would've remained unknown had it not been for the Prices' diligent, extensive research.

Here's the back-story on this mystery: Dr. F. A. Kuhn first started practicing medicine in Suriname in 1816 and became the Dutch colony's surgeon general sometime in the 1820s. In 1824 he presented a collection of 35 objects, mostly from Suriname, to the Royal Cabinet of Curiosities in The Hague, many of which were collected "by my late brother on an expedition to the maroons in 1818." In Kuhn's collection there was a string instrument listed as a banja. Kuhn's collection eventually ended up in the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde. The Kuhn Banja was apparently mislabeled and disappeared in the 1880 reorganization of the Leiden museum.

This being the case, could it be that the instrument that the Prices found in the collections of the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde in Leiden was actually the long-lost Kuhn Banja and not Stedman's Creole Bania?

The lute that the Prices identified as being the Creole Bania brought back from Suriname in 1777 differs significantly from Stedman's description and illustration of the Creole Bania in his Narrative. Stedman described the instrument as having a body "made of a half gourd covered with a sheep-skin." His depiction of the Creole Bania in the book's illustration, Plate 69, Musical Instruments of the African Negroes [of Suriname] (see the above illustration), the instrument's body is large and appears to be made of an oval, ovoid, or teardrop-shaped gourd (Lagenaria siceraria). Conversely, the instrument the Prices found in their 1979 investigation of the collections of the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (National Museum of Ethnology. Leiden, Holland) had a smaller round body made of calabash (Crescentia cujete).

Another glaring discrepancy: Unlike the Leiden instrument, the full-spike stick neck on the Creole Bania depicted in the book does not go through the sides of the instrument's gourd body to pierce through the body's tail-end. On the contrary, the illustrated lute's neck appears to rest on parallel notches in the top rim of the instrument's body, thereby, enabling it to transcend over the body's outer walls and, rather than pierce through them.

Interesting to note, these two very different neck-to-body assemblies are found on traditional West African plucked spike lutes. The 'over-the-rim' assembly apparent on the Creole Bania depicted by Stedman in his Narrative is perhaps the most common assembly used on plucked spike lutes throughout West Africa. By way of example, see the 3-string gourd-bodied ekonting (akonting), with a full-spike neck, made by Jola master ekonting player/maker Esa Jah-Jarju This feature was also found on the plucked spike lutes of Pharonic Egypt as well as those of the ancient Middle East/Near East, going all the way back, some 6,000 years ago, to the very first documented type of plucked lute, the pantur of Ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia. On the other hand, the 'through-the-body' assembly seen on the Leiden instrument is employed on some full-spike plucked lutes in Nigeria, such as the 3-string calabash-bodied gullum of the Kilba (see photo below) and the 2-string gourd-bodied gurmi of the Hausa.

Detail, the peghead and fingerboard of the Creole Bania. Note the grooves incised into the instrument's fingerboard. ( Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde [National Museum of Ethnology], Leiden, Holland)

Perhaps the most perplexing and troubling thing about the Leiden "Creole Bania" is that it was clearly made to be a display piece rather than a working instrument. According to Richard and Sally Price in the introduction of their 1992 edition of Stedman's Narrative, this instrument was "collected by Stedman from a slave in Suriname." Yet, the Leiden instrument's overly elaborate and ornate styling indicates that the maker was a highly-skilled master craftsman who was trained in Western European fine woodworking and used 'state-of-the-art' tools (most likely, of European manufacture). Even more telling is the fact that it's totally unplayable due to three deep grooves, incised down the length of the fingerboard, which are apparently there to receive and hold in place the instrument's three long strings. Likewise, the design of the three tuning pegs housed in the instrument's pegbox renders them impractical at best.

Of course, there certainly were enslaved skilled artisans who were fine craftsmen. However, it seems quite improbable that a slave with extremely limited personal resources and free time would create something as frivolous and useless as a non-functioning, non-playable musical instrument.

One possible explanation for this might be that Stedman specially commissioned an enslaved master woodworker to create the piece. However, there's no evidence to suggest that Stedman ever contracted such a commission.

As the Prices also noted, Stedman used his journal to keep a meticulous record of his daily life in Suriname:

Stedman's log of daily events during his years in Suriname recorded details of his personal life (from dinners with planters to nights spent wenching), military activities, and anecdotes about the natural and social worlds around him....

Faithfully, he kept on-the-spot notes-- sometimes jotted down on cartridges or even on "a Bleached bone" when writing paper was not available (1790/1988, 578; cf. p. 299)-- and then strung them together in a small green notebook... On the final page of his "small green almanack," covering 29 October 1772 to 29 April 1774, he wrote, "This Small Journal is written with the greatest attention, founded on facts allone by Captt. John G. S--n, who Shall explain it more at large one day, if Providance Spares him in life."

This being the case, it stands to reason that if Stedman had, indeed, commissioned the manufacture of the instrument, he would have made note of this in his "small green almanack." Likewise, the Prices-- who have been incredibly exacting and thorough in their very comprehensive research as well as super meticulous in their writing-- would have noted this fact rather than simply saying that it was "collected by Stedman from a slave in Suriname."

To sum up, the instrument in Leiden's Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde is, in no uncertain terms, the oldest extant early banjo. This is regardless of whether or not it is actually the Stedman Creole Bania or the Kuhn Banja, and regardless of whether or not it is an actual playable instrument. Furthermore, we owe the Prices a great debt of gratitude for rediscovering and documenting this wonderful-- if not, intriguingly mysterious-- instrument.

Detail, the gourd body of an ekonting (akonting) made by Jola master ekonting player/maker Esa Jah-Jarju. (Photo by Ulf Jägfors )

Note the remarkable similarity of Jah-Jarju's ekonting to the Creole Bania depicted by Captain John Stedman (1744-1797) in the illustration Plate 69, Musical Instruments of the African Negroes [of Suriname] (see above) from Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, from 1772 to 1777 (London, 1796). Both instruments are full-spike lutes with ovoid-shaped gourd bodies. Likewise, the necks on both lutes rest on notches in the top rims of their gourd bodies in an 'over-the-rim' assembly.

Jola tradition-bearer Esa Jah-Jarju playing the ekonting (akonting) which he made (see the previous photo above). Gambia, 2002 (Photo by Ulf Jägfors )

The 3-string gullum plucked lute of the Kilba of Nigeria. This non-griot folk/artisan lute has a body made of calabash ( Crescentia cujete ) rather than gourd ( Lagenaria siceraria ), which is more typical of non-wooden-bodied West African lutes. Another interesting characteristic of the gullum is that it's full-spike neck employs the 'through-the-body' assembly to extend the full length of the instrument's body to pierce the tail end of the instrument's body. (Collection of Shlomo Pestcoe )

Sounds Like:

Click on each passing image for captions and credits. Enjoy!



Bessie Jones and The Georgia Sea Islands Singers (vocals) with Nat Rahmings (goombay hand drum), Ed Young (cane fife), Hobart Smith (4-string gourd banjo) and Prince Ellis (jawbone).

Recorded by Alan Lomax , April 1960, Colonial Williamsburg , Virginia.

Album: Southern Journey Volume 13: Earliest Times -- Georgia Sea Island Songs for Everyday Living , Rounder Records , Rounder CD1713. (1999)

Back in 1960, the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation undertook to make a film, Music of Williamsburg , depicting the various different kinds of music that might have been heard on a single day in 1768 in Williamsburg , the capitol of Virginia from 1699 to 1799. CWF hired seminal folklorist Alan Lomax (1915-2002) to coordinate traditional folk music for the film.

The performers Lomax brought into the film project were some of the foremost tradition-bearers of traditional African American and Appalachian music:

The filming took place in Williamsburg, Virginia, and united a remarkable cast of talented folk musicians representing early Southern music, including the Sea Island singers [Bessie Jones, John Davis, Henry Morrison, Alberta Ramsay, Emma Ramsay]; Bahamian drummer Nat Rahmings, who had come up from Miami; Mississippi hill country fife player Ed Young; Virginia Tidewater jawbone player Prince Ellis; and Virginia mountain multi-instrumentalist Hobart Smith.

After the film was shot, the folk musicians stayed on for what turned out to be a day of extraordinary music-making and musical cross-fertilization.... The Sea Islanders sang with slavery-era accompaniment; the [cane] fife, the one-headed drum, and a replica of the four-string, fretless banjo. Hobart Smith picked the bowl-shaped "slave" banjo with abandon, Ed Young blew thrilling litany phrases on his cane fife, and Nat Rahmings played a drum of a type once used in St. Simons [the second largest of the Sea Islands off the coast of Georgia and the home of the Georgia Sea Island Singers] and still played in the Bahamas. I cannot swear to the authenticity of this reconstructed music, but the musically conservative Sea Island singers gave it their enthusiastic approval.

-- Alan Lomax , The Georgia Sea Island Style

(Note: The Georgia Sea Island Style is an introductory essay in the CD liner note booklet for Southern Journey Volume 13: Earliest Times -- Georgia Sea Island Songs for Everyday Living , Rounder Records , Rounder CD1713.)

Interesting to note, the song "Reg'lar, Reg'lar, Rollin' Under" was not from the traditional repertoire of the Sea Islands singers. Apparently, Lomax found the song in the course of his research:

Looking through the literature on African-American folk music for what seemed the oldest published black dance song from Virginia, Lomax found this tune. He taught it to the Sea Island singers and the group who recorded the music for the film about Colonial Williamsburg. It was an immediate hit, and soon they were improvising on as if they had always known it.... The text is enigmatic, except for Bessie Jones' explanation of what it tells us about the slave experience: "The slave didn't want snow water, that is, white folks' water. The slave drinks out of a gourd dipper, whereas the whites ["the snows"] drink from all kinds of receptacles." Thus, here the drinking gourd is a symbol of the ways in which African slaves were able to circumvent, or "roll under" white domination.

-- CD liner note booklet, Southern Journey Volume 13: Earliest Times -- Georgia Sea Island Songs for Everyday Living

The Sea Islander's lead singer Bessie Smith Jones (1902-1984) had a special personal connection to this project: her step-grandfather Jet Sampson, who was born into slavery, had been a slave in Williamsburg. Jet Sampson was the father of her beloved step-father James Sampson-- as Jones put it, "The man I call Poppa." According to Jones, Jet "was the one who mostly brought me up." While she was growing up in rural Georgia, Jones learned about the old slavery times from her step-grandfather. Likewise, Jet had taught her many of the songs and traditions he had grown up with.

The Sampsons were a particularly musical family with a strong banjo tradition:

All the men in the family played the guitar and banjos. They made their own banjos, too....

Poppa [Jones' step-father James Sampson] and them used to make them, great big African banjo we called it. They made them out of wood, and I don't know where they got the string from, but they made them and then they put rattlesnake rattles in them.... It makes a great tone....

--Bessie Jones, For the Ancestors: Autobiographical Memories,
Collected and Edited by John Stewart (University of Illinois Press, 1983)

Speaking of banjos, the gourd banjo used here was specially commissioned for this particular project. This may have been the first modern attempt to create an actual reproduction of an early 4-string gourd "slave" banjo.

That said, however, the replica created for the Williamsburg film project had several major inaccuracies and anachronisms in its design, chief among them was the configuration of its strings. Way back in 1960, the common wisdom was that the 4-string banjo evolved into the 5-string banjo in the 1840s by the addition of the short "thumb string" drone. We now know this to be an erroneous misconception. Evidence in the historical record clearly shows that the early banjo's 4-string configuration was 3 long strings and one short "thumb string." The string added that resulted in the latter 5-string banjo was the 4th bass string.

Because the gourd banjo used in the Williamsburg film project was designed and built to reflect the prevalent thinking in 1960, it had 4 long strings of equal length. In this sense the instrument was more like a modern 4-string plectrum banjo than known 4-string early banjos from the 18th century such as the Creole Bania (Suriname, c. 1773-1777) or the instrument depicted in the painting The Old Plantation (South Carolina, c.1790).

This is borne out by photos of Hobart Smith (1897-1965) playing the instrument as he jammed with flute player Ed Young during the impromptu session at Williamsburg at which this recording was made. Smith's left hand fingers a "C" chord with an open 4th string. This clearly indicates that the banjo was tuned in standard "C" tuning (CGBD) with the 4th string tuned to middle "C" as its open note. Standard "C" was the most common tuning for the 5-string banjo (gCGBD) during the instrument's Classic Period (c.1880-1920). In the early 1900s, the banjo's short 5th "thumb string" was removed to create the plectrum banjo , a 4-string version of the standard banjo designed to be played with a flat pick plectrum. The plectrum's neck had the same scale length of the standard 5-string banjo and its four strings were tuned like a standard banjo minus the 5th string (CGBD).

Listening to Smith play the banjo on this recording, we hear him strumming chords. There's no evidence in the historical record to suggest that this was how the early banjo was played.

To be sure, strumming as a playing technique may well have been used in early banjo playing, which, for the most part, was undocumented prior to advent of minstrelsy in the 1830s and '40s. One clue that leads us to this conclusion is the fact that many of those enslaved came from the eastern regions of West Africa, especially modern-day Ghana and Nigeria, which have a variety of traditions of 2-string plucked lutes. Examples include the koloko (also known as the koliko or kologo) of the Frafra of northern Ghana, the konde of the Bissa of Burkina Faso, the garaya and komo of the Hausa. The most common technique for playing these instruments is strumming with a plectrum (flat pick), typically a piece of hardened cowhide. However, in these traditions of strumming the player does not form chords. Rather, the melody is played on the first string while the top second string serves as an open drone.

Still, for all that, the fact remains that the earliest documented banjo playing style was down-picking, a technique in which the melody is played by the fingernail of a single finger (either the index or middle finger) striking a long melody string in downward stroke. This action is immediately followed-up with the thumb providing a syncopated rhythmic "back-beat" accompaniment on the instrument's top string.

Referred to as stroke-style in the first banjo "tutors" (instruction books) of the 1850s and 1860s, down-picking was the technique that European American performers had initially learned from African American banjo players in the early 19th century. It survived in rural folk tradition under a variety of names like clawhammer, frailing, thumping and so .. parallels can be found in the playing techniques of the various living West African traditions of finger-played plucked lutes with short 'thumb strings', such as the Jola ekonting (also akonting . Casamance [southern Senegal], Gambia, Guinea-Bissau) and Bujogo ngopata (Guinea-Bissau). Another parallel would be the 3-string guinbri of the Gnawa of Morocco and Algeria, which, like the New World banjo, is also of West African descent and is also down-picked.

Growing up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Smith learned to down-pick the 5-string banjo from his parents, who both played. He referred to this style as "old-time long rapping." Another major influence on Smith's banjo playing was a local player by the name of John Greer. Greer, in turn, had learned his distinctive "double-noting" form of down-picking from Henry Hays, an African American banjoist from Laurel Fork, VA.

The fact that Smith, a recognized master of traditional banjo down-picking, did not down-pick the Williamsburg 4-string gourd banjo is quite telling. It clearly indicates that he had to radically change his own playing style to make allowance for the instrument's lack of a short "thumb string" drone, crucial to Smith's down-picking technique.

In the Music of Williamsburg , Smith is first heard in the opening sequence as we see stills of some of the various different musical instruments that will be highlighted later on in the film. As the camera focuses on the gourd banjo, hanging from the rafters of a barn, we hear Smith playing a bit of his signature tune, The Banging Breakdown (also known as John Greer's Tune and Buck Dance), on his modern 5-string banjo. The tune features his right thumb and "striking" finger "banging" out a syncopated rhythm on the banjo's head as part of the tune's melody.

When next we see that gourd banjo, it's at a night time slave "frolic" as part of the band playing Reg'lar, Reg'lar, Rolling Under for the dancing. Curiously enough, Smith is actually playing the banjo but doesn't appear in the scene. Rather, the banjo is in the hands of a Black actor. Smith does make an appearance in an earlier scene, wearing a brown periwig and playing Devil's Dream (Smith's name for Brown's Dream) on the fiddle.

For more information, please visit the following sites:

    Music of WilliamsburgFilming the "Music of Williamsburg" with Alan LomaxThe Gullah Language and Sea Island CultureThe Gullah: Rice, Slavery, the Sierra Leone-American ConnectionThe Georgia Sea Island SingersBlack Fife and Drum Music in MississippiGravel Springs Fife and Drum (Documentary on the traditional African American cane fife and drum music of the Mississippi "Hill Country")Hobart Smith: Stories and Songs from a Banjo GreatThe Early Banjo & African-Style Drums


Joaquim Cabritan (ngopata plucked lute, vocal)

Field recorded by Nick Bamber , Soga Island, the Bijago Islands, Guinea Bissau (West Africa), 8/06.

Here Bujogo (Bijago) tradition-bearer Joaquim Cabritan sings and plays his people's folk lute, the ngopata . The Bujogo ngopata is a 3-string gourd-bodied plucked akin to the Jola ekonting (akonting) and Manjak bunchundo. Like the traditional Jola oo'teck technique for playing the ekonting, the Bujogo ngopata is down-picked in a fashion reminiscent of 19th century stroke style, the oldest documented banjo playing technique, and the folk variants of stroke style-- clawhammer, frailing, thumping, etc.


Dink Roberts (clawhammer 5-string banjo, vocal)

Field recorded by Cece Conway & Scott Odell, 2/21/74, Haw River, Alamance County, North Carolina.

Album: Black Banjo Songsters of North Carolina & Virginia , Smithsonian Folkways SFW40079 (1998)

Dink Roberts was a traditional African American banjo player from the Piedmont region of North Carolina, an area that has been a major stronghold of African American fiddle and banjo traditions since the 19th century. When this field recording was made, Dink was close to eighty years old. He had learned this tune from his family when he was 15. It's considered to be "one of the most important showpiece tunes in the Black banjo repertory." (Conway & Odell, liner notes, page 25, Black Banjo Songsters of North Carolina & Virginia )

For more information on Dink Robets and the African American banjo tradition in Piedmont, North Carolina, please check out Conway's book: African Banjo Echoes in Appalachia: A Study of Folk Traditions (The University of Tennessee Press, 1995)


Joe Thompson (fiddle, vocals) and Odell Thompson (5-string banjo).

Recorded by Wes Lachot , 3/28/1989, Overdub Lane , Durham, North Carolina. Produced by Wayne Martin , Folklife Section , North Carolina Arts Council .

Album: Joe Thompson: Family Traditions , Rounder Records , Rounder CD2161. (1999)

Fiddler Joe Thompson (1918- ) and his late musical partner, banjoist Odell Thompson (1911-1994) represented one of the last traditional African American fiddle and banjo duos. The earliest mention of a banjo and fiddle duo comes down to us from July 1774. In a journal entry, Englishman Nicholas Creswell (1750—1804) described a barbecue and dance party on the banks of the St. Mary's River as being "a great number of young people met together with a Fiddle and Banjo played by two Negroes...."

Joe and Odell were first cousins who came from farming families in northeastern Orange County in the North Carolina Piedmont. Joe's father, John Arch Thompson (1879-1968), was the eldest of three brothers-- the youngest being Odell's father Walter (1882-?)-- who all played fiddle and 5-string banjo. The Thompson brothers were highly-acclaimed musicians, much in demand to play for the social gatherings and dances of both the white and black communities throughout the area.

In the mid-1920s, the next generation of Thompsons began playing local house parties and "frolics" (rural African American dance parties). The principal performers were John Arch's boys-- Joe on fiddle and his older brother Nate (1916-1997) on banjo-- with Walter's son Odell sitting in on either fiddle or guitar.

Throughout the 1920s and '30s, African American frolics in the rural Piedmont featured both square dancing to fiddle and banjo music and "round dancing" (couple dances) to blues finger-picked on the guitar. However, by the late 1940s, the old-time fiddle and banjo music-- as well as the early blues guitar music-- were overshadowed by R&B and the other forms of mainstream contemporary pop.

In the early '70s, Joe and Odell teamed up again to perform the old-time fiddle and banjo music of their youth, which they had learned from their fathers. By the 1980s, the duo had become popular performers on the folk circuit, playing festivals throughout the country and Australia up until Odell's death in 1994. They were recipients of the North Carolina Folk Heritage Award in 1991.

Joe continues to perform. He has played with Bob Carlin and Wayne Martin and, more recently, with The Carolina Chocolate Drops .


ContraBand Jam : Tim Twiss , Carl Anderton , Greg Adams (Mid-19th century-style fretless 5-string banjos); Lucas Bowman (West African djembe drum).

Source: The Banjo Club House: Resources For Early Banjo .

This jaunty little number is from an impromptu little jam that took place after the 2nd Annual Antietam Early Banjo Conference , Pry House, Antietam Battle Field, Sharpsburg, MD, September 14-16, 2007. The tune, Jake Bacchus' Reel is from Buckley's New Banjo Method (1860) by James Buckley (1803-72), the eminent British immigrant banjo player and teacher. (Buckley was one of the first banjoists to advocate playing European classical art music on the instrument.)

It's down-picked in stroke style, the oldest known banjo playing technique. This is the style which the first European American players had learned from African American banjoists in the early 19th century. Stroke style was the prevalent way of the playing the banjo from the 1830s, when the instrument was first introduced on the popular stage, on through the emergence of "guitar style" up-picking (finger-picking) in late 1860s.

Appropriately enough, the banjos here are accompanied by djembe drum. African-style drums were the first documented accompaniment for the earliest forms of the banjo. (For more on this, please read Shlomo Pestcoe's blog on this page: The Early Banjo & African-Style Drums )

A good source on the early 5-string banjo is America's Instrument: The Banjo in the Nineteenth Century (1999) by Philip F. Gura & James F. Bollman


Boysie Grant (vocalist) with Eddie Brown (tenor banjo) & Reynolds' Calypso Clippers. Jamaica, c. 1951-56.

Album: Mento Madness: Motta's Jamaican Mento, 1951-56 , V2 Records (V2 63881-27201-2)

Mento is Jamaica's traditional social dance music. It first emerged in the 19th century as a fusion of African, European, and older Jamaican Creole styles and influences. In the Jamaican countryside, a typical mento band would consist of banjo, guitar, mambo and bongo drums, and rumba box (also known as marimba box ormarimbula, a gigantic "thumb piano" that serves as the bass instrument). In many cases, the lead instrument may be a fiddle, cane flute, harmonica, and/or bambasax (bamboo "saxophone").

By the 1930s, the banjo of choice in mento music was the modern, plectrum-played, 4-string tenor banjo . The tenor banjoist heard here, Eddie Brown, was a master virtuoso of the mento style.

Solas Market is an old Jamaican folk song. Reynolds' Calypso Clippers perform it in the rural mento style that was popular in the 1950s. It was first issued as a 78 rpm record, produced by Stanley Motta (1915-1953) on his MRS (Motta's Recording Studio) label, Kingston, Jamaica, between 1951 and 1956. Shortly after its initial release, this number also appeared on a British LP compliation, Authentic Jamaican Calypsos, on the London International label.

For more information on Jamaican mento music, please visit:


    Akonting: A Link to the Banjo's West African Heritage . Our sister site on MySpace devoted to the ekonting (akonting)-- the 3-string gourd-bodied folk lute of the Jola, found primarily in Casamance (southern Senegal), Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau-- and other members of the West African plucked luted family. It's chock full of videos and MP3s field recorded in West Africa as well as the latest information on the living akonting tradition. Created and hosted by Shlomo Pestcoe .The Banjo Sightings Database . An online "banjological" resource center offering free access to an incredible wealth of historic period art, illustrations, and documentation tracing early banjo history from the instrument's beginnings in the Caribbean in the 17th century on through the American Civil War. It's the project of Greg C. Adams and acclaimed early banjo maker/historian George Wunderlich .The Banjo Club House: Resources For Early Banjo . Hosted by banjoist Tim Twiss , this is a wonderful online audio/visual resource center for the early 5-string banjo (c.1840-1870). Way Cool Feature: MP3s of most of the tunes found in early banjo "tutors," such as Briggs' Banjo Instructor (1855), Phil Rice's Correct Method For The Banjo: With Or Without A Master (1858), Buckley's New Banjo Method (1860) and more!

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

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Shlomo Pestcoe: The Early Banjo & African-Style Drums

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Greg C. Adams: Starting A Conversation-- Early Banjo & West African Ekonting Playing Techniques

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