| View | Add FavoriteSoftball, Baseball, Basketball (college), all FSU sports! traveling, competing in triathlons, swimming, biking, the beach, anything outside!!! on rainy days i love being in the movie theater (as long as they have nachos)
Eminem is my favorite but I love all music. I was brought up listening to the Beatles, Neil Young (all 60's stuff). I went through my N'sync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears phase a few years ago and I'll admit, I still like the music! I can listen to anything from Rock to heavy metal to classical to country! I love going to hip hop/rap concerts (thanks kristin) and I love the country bars for line dancing (although i don't really know any dances)!
Major League I and II. Hoosiers (thanks Andrew), Friday Night Lights, Remember the Titans, Legally Blonde, Old School, 8 Mile, The Patriot, Naked Gun 2 1/2, Brokeback Mountain, Walk the Line, Anchorman, Mighty Ducks (it's a classic), Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, The Fugitive, White Chicks, there are really very few movies i don't like...
All my children (yes it's a soap opera and my mom started watching it when she was pregnant with me so it's not my fault that I am addicted), American Idol, Desperate Housewives, Sex in the city, L Word...I don't really watch too much tv.
Not a big reader...but I read stuff online. Sports info from Rivals.com, news from cnn.com, do those count as books???