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About Me

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My Interests

Any thing that catches my attention... but music is the main thing.

I'd like to meet:

The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Dark Brownish
Hair Color:: Dark Brownish Blackish IDK
Height:: 6 ft long
Favorite Color:: Blue
Screen Name:: AlwaysFlyy17
Favorite Band:: Weezy F Baby
Favorite Movie:: Training Day
Favorite Show:: The Batman
Your Car:: haha
Your Hometown:: E-Town Nigga
Your Present Town:: E-Town Nigga
Your Crushes First Name:: M****N
Your Grade:: June-urrr
Your Style:: smooth operator lol, but funny- i think
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yep
Kissed someone in the rain?: im waiting ;)
Danced in a public place?: yea, lol
Smiled for no reason?: heck yea
Laughed so hard you cried?: heck yea
Peed your pants after age 8?: ....... im not tellin
Written a song?: yep
Sang to someone for no reason?: idk
Performed on a stage?: lol, so many memories
Talked to someone you don't know?: all the time
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yep
Made out in a theatre?: ....... no comment ;) haha
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: i dont even know
Been in love?: i am now
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: My Mommy
Tell you, I love you?: morgan
Kiss you?: morgan
Hug you?: my popz
Tell you BYE?: morgan
Write you a note?: morgan
Take your photo?: me :)
Call your cell phone?: morgan
Buy you something?: me
Go with you to the movies?: morgan
Sing to you?: morgan
Write a poem about you?: ????
Text message you?: morgan
Touch you?: morgan... damn, thas alot of morgan
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: 5 minutes ago
Time you cried?: idk
Movie you watched?: idk
Joke you told?: idk
Song you've sang?: I cant feel my face ~ lil wayne
Time you've looked at the clock?: now
Drink you've had?: watermelon`kiwi KOOL AID
Number you've dialed?: morgans
Book you've read?: ha!
Food you've eaten?: pizza
Flavor of gum chewed?: winterfresh
Shoes you've worn?: Fresh Pair of J's
Store you've been in?: J-mart up tha street
Thing you've said?: Bye
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: nope
Whistle?: yep
Blow a bubble?: yep
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yep
Cross your eyes?: yep
Touch your tounge to your nose?: hell naw
Dance?: ....
Gleek?: lol, yea
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: heck naw
Speak a different language?: heck yea
Impersonate someone?: sometimes
Prank call people?: lol yep
Make a card pyramid?: idk
Cook anything?: yep - CHEF MJT
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: teacher, all my students would get F's except the black kids
I wish ...: batman was real.... lol HA
So many people don't know that ...: President Bush is really a woman
I am ...: the coolest nigga in E-Town
My heart is ...: allllll morgans
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The Basics
You like it? i have to
Birthdate january 7...
Height/Weight 6 ft 165 lbs { all hard muscle :-) }
Eye Color brown
Hair Color blackish brownish
Can you...
Drive? heck yes
Drive a manual? nope
Touch your nose with your tongue? lol....
Cook? culinary professional
Dance? ha... just 2-step
Sing? im the only one that thinks so
Sew? yep....
Speak another language? a lil bit of spanish
Have you ever...
Eaten sushi? yes.. yummy
Been in love? si
Skipped school? na
Made prank calls? yes
Done illegal drugs? nope.. marijuana should be legalized... but nope
Stolen something worth more than ? na
Flashed someone? nope
Been drunk? ask shawn
Eaten squid? na
Been to New York City? not the city
Been to London? nope
Drink Hypno
Soda M Dew... Dr Pepper
Food anything italian
Restaurant Olive Garden
Color blue
Artist Weezy and Jeezy
Album Jay-Z volume 2
Website wats urs?
The Last
Person to hit you my pop
Person you wanted to hit my pop
Person you hugged grandma
Person you kissed old lady at church
Person you wanted to kiss you Christina Milian
Country you've been in US of A
Car you've driven 05 Camry
Law you've broken Cant Say
Thing you ate Mac & Cheese
Thing you drank Dr Pepper
Thing you said $ cha ching cha ching $
Book you read One flew over the cuckoos nest
Show you watched Wild-N-Out
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.comMusic is Life...


Movies..... Anything


I be watchin my nigga batman.... he da only super hero wit no powers, and STILL be whoopin ass. lol




I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Blog


Posted by m@rcu$ j th0m@$ on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 03:09:00 PST