A frIendLy persOn whO likeS to CrAp and laUgh at oWn StOOpid Lame jOkes..hahaaha;p...cAn laugh & tOk Non-stOp ohh...hEEzzz..:) hMmm..sO-caLLed 'Late quEEn'..cuZ i'm nV pUnctuaL & gOtta kIck tIs habIt asap..(haV bEEn tOkIn fOr yrS le..hEEzz;p) & i'm a peRx whO beaRs nO grUdges..wiLL sImmer dOwn verY faSt weN sumOne pIssed me Off..(nIce huh) buT pLs dO nOt taKe iT fOr granTed yah~~;p btW, sumOne wans me tO aDD tIs here. i'M a gaL wIf nO sense Of dIrectIOn de..hEEzz..aLways can't rem e way/pLace wen I juz waLked past fEw mIns agO..hUr hUr ;)
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anyppL whOm i've lOst cOntact wIf....& frendLy ppL Out dere!!