God, Jesus, would you please come back to America? I didn't kick you out, or support you being kicked out. I ask this in the Holy name of Christ Jesus. The writings in the Bible, those that are accounts, are real accounts of peoples lives. They are not just stories. Real Happenings. let God. Remember, vengence is mine, sayeth the Lord, Remember the Battle of Jericho. Let God. I remember Abraham asking God, would you save them if only ten are left in Sodom and Gamorrah? (sp)God said he would, if ten were there. We know the Angels went and instructed Lot and his wife, we know the lack of Faith in Lot's wife and what happened, but there are Ten in America. Remember he says, were two or more are joined in agreement, so is he in the midst.? We need to as a people join in true Prayer and Faith in the Lord. Let God, not by us, but by him and his will. We cannot fix things as a people. Remember he had to wipe the earth clean, with the flood. Now when you see the Rainbow, it is his covenant he would never do that again. How many of us are seeing the Rainbow more and more? It is time for all of us to stop saying me, say us and we, say God. Remember our Prayer, that Jesus taught us? The Lord's Prayer, Our Father whom art in Heaven, Hollowed be thy name, :"Thy Kingdom Come, "THY WILL BE Done, on earth as it is in Heaven". Give us this day our Daily Bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those that trespass against us, Lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from the evil one, for yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever, in Jesus name we Pray, Amen. THY WILL BE DONE, "Not ours" His. Let us begin to work toward the will of the one who created us, instead of going farther and further away. After all, Father does, know best. http://www.zoomoozik.com/autumnmotivewww.myspace.com/autumnm otive