It disturbs me when people are overtly articulate in their semantic jargon. often times they are percieved as fictitious and pretentious. An idividual who is seemingly glib tends to elude the listener, affirming nothing but the fact that he/she is merely rhetoric, disgenuine and vacuous. My prognosis is that people that overuse this type of language do so with the intent of rising victorious through a deceptive artform, resulting in nothing more than a meaningless and hollow victory.If you did't understand what the heck all that just ment, you are living proof.
Everybody lies. We have brains and so we try real hard to do the right things, and it's because of this that we aspire to things lesser than pure evil. Three cave men see a stranger, the first one runs, the second one fights, the third one smiles... that last guy didn't last long enough to procreate. I realize that everytime I'm uncharacteristically nice people don't get what they deserve, and everytime I'm genuinly nice I don't get what I deserve. I'm aspiring to be a Psychiatrist. I'm not good on the whole being a normal person gestalt, I have what some people call a rubix complex. I like puzzles, and I hate anomolies that I can't solve. Emotions are the hardest anomolies of all, and the most interesting to me. I find people's problems, there thoughts feelings and behaviors to be like a jigsaw puzzle - a game. Seven months ago I started dating this girl who made all this change. Socrates once said, "My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher." Jaymee is unsolvable, I know almost all I need to know about her but I still have no idea what it is about her that leaves me enigmatic about myself. Ask me about anything to do with human behavior, there intentions, philosophy you name it and I'll give you the best answers... ask me why I'm madly in love with Jaymee and I'll say two things: 1. There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. 2.It's only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found.Women are insane.<