INK INC. profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

!!! Start Code To Apply Top Banner !!!! Custom top banner code by Eileen

!!! End Code To Apply Top Banner !!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If you would like to place an order online you can send all information to [email protected] all orders will be completed once payment has been made. In your email you need to provide your job description, pictures (800x800 or higher)and any other information that may need to be included. 50% must be sent by every customer before work can begin. All credit and debit cards are accepted through paypal. Allow 2-3 days for payments to complete and artwork can begin. The reason I ask for a deposit is I will be spending hours of research to come up with ideas and without a deposit I'm doing work for free.

My Blog

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