People who are open minded and japanese people, because I want to go to that fabulous island someday and because it would defenatly help my poor self to survive there I would like to meet the ones who truly deserve my admiration and love ;
Mana-Sama, for his extraordinary work and personality, his pretty music and avant-garde designs. And for much more I will not say because it would expand my profile to SOME pages. Or lots of pages... lol.
Amy Lee, for being such a normal person and not thinking she is way cooler than people because she is "omg so gothik."
Any japanese people, because I like their culture, art, music, language ad fashion.
DJ SiSen, because he is an amazing artist for his Dj-ing, make-up, fashion, and cuteness.
Danny Elfman, maybe because he rocks hardcore. ^^;;
Emilie Autumn, because I wish I was that good at violin.
John Galliano, because he is so weird and awesome.
Marilyn Manson, just because it is Marilyn Manson. Lol.
Ozzy Osbourne, before his only living cell takes a defenitive break.
Did I already mentioned Mana Sama ? If yes, I still do.
Any other people who are interested AND interesting.