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About Me

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My name is Michelle, and I currently live in Boston. My husband and I just moved to the East Coast from sunny San Diego, and we are loving it so far. I try to be as good a friend as possible... all of the time. I try to be as strong as possible... all of the time. I have had friends come and go, but usually that kind of stuff happens for a reason. I keep my close friends... close to my heart at all times. I try my hardest not to let my friends, family, and my hubby down. I always try to keep a smile on my face. The happiest day of my life, was the day that I met Brian. My second happiest day was when he came home from Iraq safe! And the most special day of my life, was when I became Brian's wife. He has made me the happiest girl in the world, and I am so lucky that I have him in my life.
