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About Me

Born in Bari(Italy) on 1977, ever since her childhood Jara Marzulli was already a talent in the art of drawing, above all in portrait human figures and it participates soon to extempore exhibitions and arts competition collecting awards and recognition. She got a diploma at the arts school and a first-class degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bari with full marks. She teaches painting subject in the laboratores of State and private school. In her professional carrier she has also worked in a design & comunication office.Has participated at national and international exhibitions of Art to receive a strong approval of the criticism and the audence.
..."Oltre i confini del presente si staglia un universo femminile dove ristagna una lunga storia costruita attraverso un corpo in continua lacerazione e mutazione. Un gioco dove risuona l’eco impercettibile di sussurri e passi si danze antiche come forme di riscatto e di sguardi di affronto./- Over the confinements, a female universe where it stagnates a long history built through a body in continuous laceration and mutation. A game where it plays again the imperceptible echo of whispers and footsteps him ancient dances as forms of ransom and looks of affront."
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THE RITE - video di Jara Marzulli - musiche di Francesco Sambo the rite
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nello stile Ambient della musica di Gianni Iannitto, brano ispirato all'arte della pittrice barese Jara Marzulli/ in the Ambient style music by Gianni Iannitto inspired to the Jara Marzulli paintings web site:

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