Who The HELL does she think She is anyway? I mean...REALLY!
a "brown sexy slipper wearing hottie"...thats who...lmaoHmmm..what can I say...I am loved by some, and a pain in the ASS to others. ha ha! I think I am misunderstood alot of times, and discriminated against a lotbecause I am outspoken. If you're willing to be a great friend to me, I will ALWAYS bend over backwards for you. I am as true blue as a friend can get -and more honest than my friends would like sometimes.
I have to admit though, that I have not always been this way. I've lost many friends along the way, that were GREAT friends....I just didn't know it then.God, how immaturity really works..I really do hate epiphanies. To all the friends I lost while I was on my way to finding myself: Im sorry.
I am a sap for a good down and out, depressing, obsessed, heart-breaking love song, with lyrics that I can relate to my own life's experiences. It does notmatter the band/singer, time period, or genre. You will find them on my profile from time to time, and many, especially those who know me personally willask, "I didnt know she listened to that type of music...". There is a considerable amount of things that people do not know about me. This, is just the tipof the iceberg, baby.
I will add more to this as I search deeper into myself...but for now...to be continued...On another note:This mySpace thing is a trip.