I LIKE: Mountain Dew Paintbrushes Bandanas Stars Literature Modern Dance Sharpies Tattoos Hot Tea Street Art Star Wars Double Bass Sarcasm Rhetoric Chinese Take Out Blast Beats and Crushing Sweeps Paintstiks Mohawks Dredlocks Acoustic Guitar African Drums History Mythology The Color Gray Dancing Camping Texas Pete Acting Going Barefoot Welsh Names Quiet The Color Brown Symbolism Juxtapoz Long Shorts German Shepherds and Greyhounds Getting New Paint Colors at School Open Studio Violin Folk Metal Crappy Punk music Poetry Peanut M&M's Thunderstorms Mountains Hippies, Gypsies, and Nomads Wings Potatoes Messy Hair Indie Music Poster Art Teaching Going to The Well Grocery Shopping Blockbuster Hammocks Tree Houses The Idea of Living in Iceland Beat Up Jeans Sour Patch Kids Nice Cameras Staying Up Late Swingsets Rhetorical Questions? Sunday Afternoons During The Fall Lewisville Square Playing Pretend Getting Paint on My hands AND MORE!
¤ Luke 12:49 I have come to set fire to the world. Oh! how I wish it was already burning. ¤ ♥ ¤ "True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice." -Martin Luther King Jr. ¤
.. I have eclectic tastes... Advent, August Burns Red, Amon Amarth, Anberlin, Aswan North, Becoming the Archetype, As I Lay Dying, Alove for Enemies, Avenged Sevenfold, Admonish, Arvinger, Beloved, By Fire, Between the Buried and Me, The BFG's, The Bravery, The Beatles, Bloodlined Calligraphy, Burlap To Cashmere, Bob Marley, The Beach Boys, Crimson Moonlight, Chasing Victory, The Chariot, Comeback Kid, Children of Bodom, Dethklok, Dragonland, Deathblow, Divine fire, Dragon Force, Dream Theater, DC Talk, The Devil Wears Prada, Demonhunter, Disciple, Dave Matthews, Eddie James, Edison Glass, Eluveitie, Extol, Eisley, Far Less, Five Iron Frenzy, Flee The Seen, Fourth Avenue Jones, Flatfoot 56, Gregory and the Hawk, Haste The Day, He Is Legend, House Of Heroes, The Human Abstract, Hilastherion, Inked in Blood, Immortal Souls, Jason Mraz, Jason Morant, Jason Upton, John Mark Mcmillan, Joy Electric, Kamelot, Kimya Dawson, Kelanie Gloeckler, A Kiss For Jersey, Lengsel, Living Sacrifice, Life In Your Way, LA Symphony, Lamb of God, Mae, The Moldy Peaches, Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, Misty Edwards, Modest Mouse, Meshuggah, Mortal Treason, Monday In London, MXPX, Mewithoutyou, Means, My Children My Bride, Matisyahu, Norma Jean, Number One Gun, Once Nothing, Opeth, Our Last Night, The Psalters, A Plea for Purging, Red, Ramey Whalen, Relient K, Regina Spektor, Remove the Veil, Random Eyes, Rhapsody of Fire, Red Cloud, Set Your Goals, Staple, Stephen Roach, Still Remains, Showbread, The Showdown, Subseven, Stryper, Squad Five-O, Sonic Syndicate, Symphony in Peril, Scelerata, Slechtvalk, Todd Ganovski, Todd Bentley, Trace Bundy, Thieves and Liars, Underoath (the old stuff), Vanguard, War of Ages, The Wedding, The Worship Band, Yosemite Mudflap