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wee bonnie lad

I am here for Friends

About Me

Lived in Edinburgh all my life. Craiglockhart Primary, Tynecastle Secondary then did Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics at Edinburgh University and Graduated summer 2002. I've got an identical twin brother who also went to Craiglockhart, Tynecastle and Edinburgh Uni. He did Maths without the A.I. bit. People always ask me what it's like having a twin and I'm never sure what to say, usually I ask them what it's like not having one. Sometimes we're closer than you can imagine and other times I feel like I'll explode if we're in the same room for more than 5 minutes. We were both in a youth club called the woodcraft folk (nothing to do with wood work) from 6 until 2 or 3 years ago. It's kind of like a left wing version of scouts and girl guides for boys and girls. Much more laid back and none of the regimentation. Made loads of friends and I'll almost definitely want my kids to join if and when I have any. I'm still friends with lots of woodies and former woodies, I'm just not really involved with the organisation itself anymore. We both played a bit of ultimate frisbee at university and I also joined the Skydiving club. Frisbee was cheaper as hobbies go so did more of that when I was at uni. Gave it up after I graduated and once I'd saved up a bit of money I got back into skydiving. I've now done 87 jumps and plan to do lots more. Did various temp jobs after finishing Uni, didn't fancy doing anything particularly degree related. Finally got myself a permanent job this April with the city council which I'm enjoying so far. The folk are all friendly and the work's interesting for the most part although can be quite tiring too.That'll do for now, Blue Skies

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