I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I accidentally converted my profile to a music file back in the day and unfortunately you can't convert back (figures, right!) Anyway, I did go to music school so I guess that counts for something. I use to play the flute and still dabble at the piano from time to time! Oh and I pretend I can sing.
So I like all kinds of music and am always up to go see a live show. I love musicals and operas and plays. I like reading a good book. I am a huge Patriots and Red Sox fan!! Someday I will travel the world. Someday I will live in NYC. I'm addicted to coffee and diet pepsi. I like champagne and tanqueray and tonic. I spend way to much time on cnn.com because I am endlessly bored at work. I am always up to go out to dinner. I like to think that I am fun and I like it when people make me laugh so hard that I can't breathe.
You Belong in London