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Create your own Friend Quiz here I love MuSiC!! RiGhT NoW I'm IntO AlTeRnAtIvE, HiP-HoP/RaP...I LiKe tO LiStEn To All KiNds Of MuSiC...As LoNg As It HaS a GoOd BeAt!
I like a good comedy..i also like a good scary movie...I'm not so much into the romance department...But my favorite movies would be..Pure Country,Brown Sugar, How High, Honey, You got served, Darkness falls, Exorcist, Independence Day, the Italian Job, XXX(the movie), Waiting to Exhale, Bad Boys and badboys II, Enough, Jackass, Sweet Home ALabama, Set it Off, Smoke Signals, Wedding Crashers, Saw I,II,III, ATL, and there are others..but i can't think of them right now....
My favorite T.V. shows right now would be..: All of Us, The Parkers, Girlfriends, Reba, 7th Heaven,One Tree Hill, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, Rescue Me, Sex in the City, Smallville, The O.C., Road Rules, The real world,...i think that would be it..but I try not to watch too much tv...*yeah Right*
I loved the Catcher in the Rye, Outsiders, The lone ranger and tonto fistfight in heaven, Indian Killer, and The Scalpel and the Silver bear. I've read others but i can't think of them right i guess if they weren't that interesting then i can't really remember..yeah
MY MOM, and Aunt This profile was made at! :)