LAYOUT BY: East Coast Designz
name: denise
nickname: dee
birthday: apriL 14, 1987
age: twenty
ethnicity: fiLipina
hometown: chicago, illinois
residing: dekalb, illinois
college: northern illinois university
major: health administration
relationship status: 11.27.05
ways to contact me: instant message: caLL me shorDEE;
[email protected];
facebook ; xanga
+ nothing comes between my famiLy & friends
+ i cant live without my ceLL phone
+ i am a PROUD member of ALPHA PHI GAMMA sorority
+ my nickname in the sorority is "wine"
+ i LOVE taking pictures
+ im VERY sensitive, i take EVERYTHING seriousLy even if it's just a joke
+ i am VERY loud
+ i'm aLways hungry
+ i eat aLot but the weight i gain isnt noticabLe
+ my favorite coLor is GREEN
+ i'm shy when i first meet people, but once i get to know you i dont stop talking
+ i love playing w. little kids
+ i like pLaying video games
+ i ALWAYS have a stuffy nose
+ i can be a BRAT
+ i'm SPOILED, but onLy to a certain extent
+ i like sLeeping in bLankets even if it's hot
+ i prefer summer over winter
+ ive been toLd i speak tagalog fLuently, yup, my friends caLL me a FOB =P
+ i get paranoid reaL easiLy
+ i like getting attention
+ i dont like partying or going out alot
+ i whine alot
+ im a perfectionist, if i dont like how i write something i write it over n over again until i do
+ i hate it when my living space is dirty, even tho my room is not always clean
+ hearing & seeing people throw up makes me want to throw up myself
+ i LOVE being involved in extra curricular activities