Thanks for your support at our cd release
If you want to purchase one send us a message with your information and I'll work out a way to get one to you!
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Daniel 5000 and The Machine
Captain Luke
The Beast
The heroes of the day
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SOJH pictures by Adam
Traceback has been playing music and doing what they love for 2 years now. They love it... or so im told. In a recent interview with somebody important... they were quoted as saying:
"Yeah... the rumors are true. We are in fact robots..."
When asked what their upcoming cd "everything and nothing" was like they replied:
"We aren't exactly sure, but its really exciting... REALLY exciting"
It was sometime after this that Dillon's head popped off after sparks and smoke started coming from it. They put the interview on hold while their band tech (Andrew Synhorst) and computer guru (Blake Wenz) ((all the bands horses and all the bands men)) tried to put Dillon back together again.
These shannannigans are just a few of the amazing things about Traceback. They are handsome, funny, charming, attractive, talented, amazing, charming, attractive, funny, handsome, funny, charming, talented, amazing talented, awesome, charming, and very humble young cyborgs.
Yes it's true...
Who's that sexy drummer?
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !