Welcome to the Artist Submission Page of Whatever Music
Whatever Music, a subsidiary of TYAD Music Group, is a major music company, dedicated to popmusic and its artists. We are committed to being a new kind of label, utilizing the latesttrends and new technologies to empower both consumers and you, the artists.
Continuing in that commitment, our A&R department is utilizing MySpace as a part of our talent scoutingefforts. We are actively soliciting material from unsigned POP ARTISTS who are using MySpace tonetwork and promote their music.
If this is you, our A&R department wants to hear from you. We are seeking submissions from unsignedrecording artists, who have mainstream appeal.
Feel free to visit our other pages.
In order to qualify to submit your music, you must have:
A MySpaceMusic Profile
YourProfile must include quality demos or master recordings of your original music
Photographs clearly identifying the artist(s)
A briefbiography of the artist(s)
We are looking for future pop icons; artists displaying true talent, originality, drive, andmost importantly, super star potential.